Friday, November 30, 2012

ALS, Lou Gehrigs Disease & The Deanna Protocol Help

    Yesterday I heard and saw progress for this terrible disease and wanted to pass it along to those who don't know about it. As most people know it has to be approved scientifically.,first before the government approves it which means we never know when they'll offer it to those who need it.
   Lou Gehrig's disease, ALS, attacks nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord and is a fatal and incurable neuromuscular skeletal disease.

   Not long ago a young woman about to be married became a victim of this disease and her father who is a doctor couldn't bare it, the same as all parents, but he had his profession to help in his search for an answer. He discovered what is known now as, The Deanna Protocol. The Deanna protocol is the use of AKG.
  IT has now also been subjected to mice with ALS and has shown amazing improvement.
                                        AKG an be purchased at health food stores. Check it out for yourself. I have seen and heard the story of these people on CBN. The young woman is happy to be alive who without AKG may very well have met the end of her life. If I remember correctly AKG is a protein, very high in the needed ingredients to fight this disease. It's so simple. Remember when people were dying of aids? This is not a cure but stalls the progression of ALS. What would you do for someone you loved? It's worth a try.


  1. Hello, my name is Deanna, and the protocol is named after me. If anyone fighting this disease is interested in the protocol, which is more than AAKG, please send an e-mail to or The protocol is being tested on mice; however, people are taking it now!

    1. Hello Deanna,
      Thanks and can you tell me more about The protocol or is all of it in the 700 club news/interview?( I'll check it out later) So much in medical science is Kept from the public and with interviews such s what I have seen should be made public to give choices and not to wait. How did you come across my blog by the way? Thanks
