Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mercury Emmissions in Energy Saving Bulbs

        I know we are all about energy and the idea of energy saving light bulbs is great. I evne bought a few. After a kid dropped his lamp and the top of the bulb smashed he asked to vacuum it up. NOOO, ya can't. We are supposed to scrape it up as much as possible and put it in a sealed container. How is this bulb good for the earth? Good for humans? I saw an infected foot because a man stepped on a sliver of that kind of bulb, you know the one with the circles. It wasn't just infected, but ballooned up twice its size, turned green and looked like it need to be cut off, and had such a wide open cut because of the damage from Mercury leaking out of the bulb.
      The US banned thermometers because of mercury, but it's okay to put mercury in light bulbs?
       Who was paid for this new and poisonous, dangerous invention?

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