Monday, February 27, 2012

Help-I need high speed internet-tell me...

     It's like this see, my cousin in Norway wants me to skype with her and I talked skype over with my son, so I could see his baby boy sometimes. He said since I have dial-up, it won't work. I am using yahoo now since all of this google Big Brother stuff as much as I can, and on yahoo it was stated that dial up can work, but not what do I do?
     Here's where I need help. What is the cheapest high speed provider around? Comcast is offereing 29.99 for six months, but after that it's 49.99-I want to keep my aol screen name and stuff since I've had it all this time, you know mail etc.
  Help knowledgeable people!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Google & I NEED a Cookie

       Yo what's up Peeps? Okay so you probably have heard all about how Google is going to take all of our search info and  store it. WHY? Has Big Brother come to GOOGLE/ Do they think we are not capable. This is supposed to happen starting Tuesday or Wednesday and Attorney Generals all over the US are fighting this. I'm switching mostly to Yahoo and Netscape and other Search engines and will clear all footprints in Google prior to the change. I know I have to sign in to Google with my blog and maybe one other, but that's okay.
         Now for something better, cookies. Since Thursday I have wanted cookies or one very big cookie. I talked it over with a teen here and he was all for it, but I needed to fight that feeling I had my sweets for the week two days before that.
      Now here it is Sunday and I still want a cookie, now I want an even bigger one, but I'll wait. I'll wait until a local market opens Monday and go in the afternoon when I know the one I want is fresh. Oh yeah, a big one or two now, Oatmeal Raisin-here I come.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Malls-Open Libraries, Kids and Vocations

       If you're a kid of course you'll jump all over this-maybe. I give them more credit than that. Maybe it's more "C" students who want the malls open, or kids whose parents just drop them off to meet up with who? They don't really know now, do they.
       We leave it up to mall security to babysit the kids, and store owners. Yes, I know if we let them go to the local libraries we are letting the librarians babysit, But what if it's done another way, parent and child go to the library. You can actually relax and your child will be on a computer with guards or reading or doing school book reports.
     Life sure has changed since the days of the cave man. Remember when stores were closed on Sundays? I know with the population increase and jobs of all shifts this is needed. No it isn't! Think of it this way. As parents we make things work;we just do. So Sundays would be reserved for what it's meant to be, a day of rest, family and church time, or time to practice what's preached no matter what your faith is. If your Jewish...well Close down on Saturdays. I know In Brooklyn on Sundays all of thirteenth ave. is open because that's the major Jewish neighborhood and a place of many stores and delicous foods.
    But imagine and really think about this. What if the library was open on Sunday where you live? Kids wouldn't be asking for money for the mall, they would have to keep a certain tone of voice and their little minds would be working in a positive way.(hopefully:) Hey, I know, there is a petition site. I think I'll start a close the Malls, open Libraries petition! Grades just might improve. One last thing to imagine. No driver's license until graduation, however you can have a permit during senior year if you have good grades. Kids worry about enough. They don't need to worry about money for a car, repairs, insurance too and a job to support all that. It should also be a little more individual according to maturity-okay still working that out. Bikes!
    Okay, one really last thing that bugs me-SERIOUSLY!!! Academics are not meant for every child in the traditional sense. All children should have an opportunity to learn vocational skills and not have to wait if they have better grades to get into a vocational school. We are short changing our children by treating them as if they are all the same. Will your child be a writer, doctor, work in a factory, own a lawn business, be a sculpter, build bridges, make furniture, work with mentally disabled, be a hair srylist, cartoonist and whatever she or he is able to do well, but possibly held back because they're academically not good enough for vocational school. What's wrong with the education systems?
     Wouldn't we have happier children and isnt that what everyone wants, happiness? Okay another petition:) Now go work on that hobby you love and may have made a life time career of, but couldn't because you weren't good enough according to the educational system. Imagine how your child feels?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Those Little Footsteps...No More

       The silence of one is something I enjoy, but I most enjoy a bunch of kids, laughing, being silly, taking them out, making crafts, and simply letting them enjoy being a child. For almost a week I've had two young guests, siblings and you know how that is. Siblings are interesting and fun. No matter how different, they are the same in the important things in life. But I don't mean all siblings.
       I've come to learn about a silence of two, no words to express that except wish to be one again or have a bunch of kids running around, yelling, laughing, playing make believe, reading, and so much more. Kids who have a wide variety of interests are so easy to please. Kids who don't have many interests lack motivation, so it's up to us as parents to try and try again to motivate.
      My time this past week with these little guys brought a refreshed interest. I heard appreciative thank-yous'. I saw facial expressions of fun, laughter, interest, curiosity, sadness, daydreaming and had questions galore. What a pleasure! They talked and asked questions about my children, places I've been, they've been, and where we could go. They talked about things they read, discoveries they've made and their teachers, what they've learned that day. These little guys love their teachers, and how they're taught at school. I wish their teacher's could read this.
        When I drop one brother off at school, another brother and I wait over a half an hour for his bell, and we sit and watch. One by one they drive into the parking lot, open the doors and bags in hand walk past us. He waves. They give him a big smile and wave back. We talk about who each teacher is and he never stops talking, but in such a good way. He's interesting, not just rattling on. He describes them and what they offer to kids. He knows them well.
          The other brother is a big time reader, yet both are. One reads more and he talks too. He talks about his characters and then compares people he meets to having similarities  to some of the characters. He also asks me a lot of questions. He is so cute as is his brother. So individual are they, that they both becomes favorites and  a person just wants to do for them, take care of them, nurture, hug, play, take them to parks, let them stay up a little bit later and just stay little. These little guys give , I think much more than they get. They just don't know it yet. Children of God, definitely, and where ever they are in life I hope people always treat them as treasures...because they are.
           Those little footsteps...I miss them, but hopefully they'll be back:)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Palumbos In Thomasville, Pizza and More

  You might think you just walked into the Cafe Napoli,in Little Italy in New York once served with Palumbos Pizza. It has that great New York taste, and even in Little Italy there is only one such place that serves pizza so good and it doesn't look like the Cafe Napoli. It actually looks more like Palumbos
      I stopped in for the first time tonight with three boys for an early supper. These guys are picky, and well, so am I. I didn't get what I expected.
    I'm sure if you love pizza you know how reduced the sizes have become the past three years. I was told when that happened it was due to the increase in ingredients. That's fine, but don't short change the consumer. If you need to raise the price do so, but keep a large Pizza, large. At Palumbos, Large is really large!
      The price is equal to everyone else, but the taste and size beats them ten to one. Palumbos sauce is perfect and you won't have to worry about spicy pizza like at those area businesses which have a few same named pizza places, one in west York and one at York New Salem.
    This is family owned, so you're getting food by people who care more, not people are are paid hourly.
The owner and her son are truly nice people and do care about what you think. The son, sorry I forgot his name was a server unlike many you see in area restaurants. He gives you a smile and efficient service, looks you in the eye, is clean, and has an attitude of, I care about your experience. It shows.
     I want to go a step further about the pizza and you can think how much can a person go on and on about Pizza...well I've been around, and this places give you your money's worth. The dough has a taste to it, just enough sweetness to let you also enjoy the right amount cheese and sauce. You very much can savor each part of your pizza experience.
   On rt.30 west it's sits on the right side of the road a little past Brairwood gold course, and coming East it's sits on the left past and close to a quarry.
Mangia! You won't be disappointed. I will tweet this and put on Doozybags public facebook. Thank you Palumbos for a very nice dinner! We'll be back.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

There but for the Grace of God go I

     I used to wonder many times what Grace meant and only understood when it was said as in the title. More and more it seems I find myself saying, There but for the Grace of God go I.
     A few days ago, in a waiting room as I sat by the door, suddenly the door opened and an elderly woman walked in all bent over pushing a cart with wheels and holding a small oxygen tank. Behind her stopped and stood still her husband, no tank, no cart, but bent completly in half holding a cane to assist in his walk.
     Quickly, and that's something for me, I moved from my safe seat to as far away as possible, yet hesitating wanting to ask if they wanted help. Usually I would just help, but since the young woman behind the desk only said hello and are you okay over there "Bob" I stayed where I was.She knew them. My thinking was maybe they prefer not to have help and I understood that. It's a matter of pride and dignity. The man was well dressed, slender with a thin moustache, and his little wife, stocky, with short curly hair and fine glasses, wore jeans and a plaid quilted jacket.
      He finally, was able to sit without assistance and started to unzip his jacket. Again I felt myself lean over and about to get up, but his wife said, oh honey I'll get that. She wheeled her cart over to him and took zipper and jacket in hand and made it work. I was too slow. They were about late seventies.
      All of the time I wondered who drove and at almost the same time I thought-wow, just ya when think ya have problems. But how is it they drive? I figured out too that one disability didn't have anything to do with another. His vision seemed fine, but who knew about anything else? Maybe she drove. I was called in and left within a few minutes as they were called in and as we passed, I had to step aside to let them through. He led, she followed.
       Yesterday my daughter and I were in touch off and on as the weather was iffy. She was supposed to come up and we were going out to party with a few kids. There was a birthday to share the day with and get silly. But the weather worries me and I told her stay home. We have plenty of time to get together. We hope and pray that don't we?
         She called me later in the afternoon after leaving a friend at the hospital. Her friend a thirty-two year old, young woman was just found to be in stage four cancer. No children but she is married and an only daughter. She is a very large sized young lady. During the last three to four months she was seeing her family doctor who told her the pain she was feeling was Irritable bowel syndrome also known as IBS. Closer to the time he finally sent her for tests said, well maybe it's your gall bladder. She went for tests and is now where she is.
        Her name is Jen and she tells my daughter, I don't know how to be brave, all I want to do is cry. My Jenny tells her to be who you are, cry, don't be brave, it's more brave to be who you are and that she will be there for her friend, any time, night or day. Yup, that's what friends are for. Her prognosis isn't good, but Jenny and I talk, and we know as many do sometimes doctors say that when they just don't know, but fight, fight and fight some more. Never ever give up. Again we think as Jenny and I have talked about that phrase-There but for the Grace of God go I.
             Shortly after Christmas, my friends son in New York was diagnosed with AML and given possibly five years if they can get him in remission. He is still hospitalized on Chemo, and only thirty-eight years old. Hope is now renewed. His prognosis has changed with doctors saying it is possible for a cure, or permanent remission. There but for the Grace....
          Look at all the children who have cancers of all kinds at St. Judes. There but for the Grace of God go I.... Why are we as in the United States not finding cures for these cancers? I don't like to be a doubting Thomas, but look how quickly the US found medicine to keep under control and now even in so many people no signs of HIV and or Aids.Why? Politics.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Government takes care of themselves so why not America

      Something I saw and heard on television this morning  surprised me so much I knew I had to blog about this. Maybe I just thought it was impossible, yet I shouldn't be surprised.
      On line sales of guns, all and any kind of guns. In parking lots, any kind of gun, big and small, some which would blow-up a helicopter and the sellers as well as the buyers knew that. All they cared about was doing a cash deal and no background checks
       Here is something even worse. The government, our government as stated by Charles Shummer, New York Congressman reported, a bill has been in a committee for over a year, yet as Shummer stated the NRA pulls a lot of weight.
Well if that's the concern change the bill to read simply, yes I said simply, no on line sales without photo ID and background check. Better yet stop all on line sales.

       What ever amount of weight the NRA has with this issue, specifically on line sales, screw them! If a Senators's child was killed by an on line sale of an illegal gun, would the law change as was a young woman and many other American citizens by illegal sales? We all know how the government takes care of itself, benefits, salaries, pensions as well as their spouses.
      Why are the lives of the American public not as important? It's big business, just like drugs. We do have the power to make serious changes in the drug buying and selling destruction system, but it's business! Look who we would put out of jobs, drug enforcement agencies would drop, drug rehab centers, pharmeceuticals to help with drug rehab,mental health needs would drop due to being addicted, and  hospitals  wouldn't see so many overdoses. I'm sure I left a lot out. I don't have any problem with anyone sending this on to Shummer's office, or any one in public office, as will I.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

TV Doc's OZ, FAT Women & Women in Crisis, McGRaw

        What is it with Dr. OZ and using women as his stepping stone? Where are all the men. Even in his audience as are most daytime shows women. Why are men not encouraged to pop in, do a show, made the"star of the day" as well and as often as women?
         Now this of course is just my opinion, but I guess it's all about ratings. I have seen men in the OZ audience but when OZ walks around to have someone answer a question he ignores the men, so do women make for better fodder, or commercialism? Oz doesn't have any issues with showing fat women all the time, using them as his way to show America what's wrong with our diets, but what about the men? Yesterday was a great example of how he showed body shapes and now today he is going to have these enormous women on to do a, "Steve Wilkos, Get off my stage act". How nice. Seems he and Dr? Phil are catching up to one another's ego.
           Are there fat men out there? Oh yeah! Maybe he should bring on some fat doctors too, and offer show and tell- Then again, maybe women just like to talk more, air there dirty laundry as is the expression . But why? Okay I can see in some, the situations are so bad the hope Phil McGraw will help, and his show does that many times.A life saved is worth a life saved. But again, where are the men in those shows? Yes some men appear, but why not make it fair. Ex: wife to hubby, in order to save our son or daughter, we both have to appear. Crazy maybe, and yes if I was in those shoes I would take it anyway I can get it when help is needed for our kids.
         In many other ways what are these women getting out of it? Being on television? In the presence of a mighty one? Do they get a free air trip? Free hotel stay?  So while they go on TV for a show about a cheating spouse, old Phil McGraw is getting rich-all have learned well from that lady Oprah. It was a woman who got them that start, and yet it is women who they are using. Respect?