Sunday, February 19, 2012

Malls-Open Libraries, Kids and Vocations

       If you're a kid of course you'll jump all over this-maybe. I give them more credit than that. Maybe it's more "C" students who want the malls open, or kids whose parents just drop them off to meet up with who? They don't really know now, do they.
       We leave it up to mall security to babysit the kids, and store owners. Yes, I know if we let them go to the local libraries we are letting the librarians babysit, But what if it's done another way, parent and child go to the library. You can actually relax and your child will be on a computer with guards or reading or doing school book reports.
     Life sure has changed since the days of the cave man. Remember when stores were closed on Sundays? I know with the population increase and jobs of all shifts this is needed. No it isn't! Think of it this way. As parents we make things work;we just do. So Sundays would be reserved for what it's meant to be, a day of rest, family and church time, or time to practice what's preached no matter what your faith is. If your Jewish...well Close down on Saturdays. I know In Brooklyn on Sundays all of thirteenth ave. is open because that's the major Jewish neighborhood and a place of many stores and delicous foods.
    But imagine and really think about this. What if the library was open on Sunday where you live? Kids wouldn't be asking for money for the mall, they would have to keep a certain tone of voice and their little minds would be working in a positive way.(hopefully:) Hey, I know, there is a petition site. I think I'll start a close the Malls, open Libraries petition! Grades just might improve. One last thing to imagine. No driver's license until graduation, however you can have a permit during senior year if you have good grades. Kids worry about enough. They don't need to worry about money for a car, repairs, insurance too and a job to support all that. It should also be a little more individual according to maturity-okay still working that out. Bikes!
    Okay, one really last thing that bugs me-SERIOUSLY!!! Academics are not meant for every child in the traditional sense. All children should have an opportunity to learn vocational skills and not have to wait if they have better grades to get into a vocational school. We are short changing our children by treating them as if they are all the same. Will your child be a writer, doctor, work in a factory, own a lawn business, be a sculpter, build bridges, make furniture, work with mentally disabled, be a hair srylist, cartoonist and whatever she or he is able to do well, but possibly held back because they're academically not good enough for vocational school. What's wrong with the education systems?
     Wouldn't we have happier children and isnt that what everyone wants, happiness? Okay another petition:) Now go work on that hobby you love and may have made a life time career of, but couldn't because you weren't good enough according to the educational system. Imagine how your child feels?

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