Thursday, February 9, 2012

Government takes care of themselves so why not America

      Something I saw and heard on television this morning  surprised me so much I knew I had to blog about this. Maybe I just thought it was impossible, yet I shouldn't be surprised.
      On line sales of guns, all and any kind of guns. In parking lots, any kind of gun, big and small, some which would blow-up a helicopter and the sellers as well as the buyers knew that. All they cared about was doing a cash deal and no background checks
       Here is something even worse. The government, our government as stated by Charles Shummer, New York Congressman reported, a bill has been in a committee for over a year, yet as Shummer stated the NRA pulls a lot of weight.
Well if that's the concern change the bill to read simply, yes I said simply, no on line sales without photo ID and background check. Better yet stop all on line sales.

       What ever amount of weight the NRA has with this issue, specifically on line sales, screw them! If a Senators's child was killed by an on line sale of an illegal gun, would the law change as was a young woman and many other American citizens by illegal sales? We all know how the government takes care of itself, benefits, salaries, pensions as well as their spouses.
      Why are the lives of the American public not as important? It's big business, just like drugs. We do have the power to make serious changes in the drug buying and selling destruction system, but it's business! Look who we would put out of jobs, drug enforcement agencies would drop, drug rehab centers, pharmeceuticals to help with drug rehab,mental health needs would drop due to being addicted, and  hospitals  wouldn't see so many overdoses. I'm sure I left a lot out. I don't have any problem with anyone sending this on to Shummer's office, or any one in public office, as will I.

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