Tuesday, February 7, 2012

TV Doc's OZ, FAT Women & Women in Crisis, McGRaw

        What is it with Dr. OZ and using women as his stepping stone? Where are all the men. Even in his audience as are most daytime shows women. Why are men not encouraged to pop in, do a show, made the"star of the day" as well and as often as women?
         Now this of course is just my opinion, but I guess it's all about ratings. I have seen men in the OZ audience but when OZ walks around to have someone answer a question he ignores the men, so do women make for better fodder, or commercialism? Oz doesn't have any issues with showing fat women all the time, using them as his way to show America what's wrong with our diets, but what about the men? Yesterday was a great example of how he showed body shapes and now today he is going to have these enormous women on to do a, "Steve Wilkos, Get off my stage act". How nice. Seems he and Dr? Phil are catching up to one another's ego.
           Are there fat men out there? Oh yeah! Maybe he should bring on some fat doctors too, and offer show and tell- Then again, maybe women just like to talk more, air there dirty laundry as is the expression . But why? Okay I can see in some, the situations are so bad the hope Phil McGraw will help, and his show does that many times.A life saved is worth a life saved. But again, where are the men in those shows? Yes some men appear, but why not make it fair. Ex: wife to hubby, in order to save our son or daughter, we both have to appear. Crazy maybe, and yes if I was in those shoes I would take it anyway I can get it when help is needed for our kids.
         In many other ways what are these women getting out of it? Being on television? In the presence of a mighty one? Do they get a free air trip? Free hotel stay?  So while they go on TV for a show about a cheating spouse, old Phil McGraw is getting rich-all have learned well from that lady Oprah. It was a woman who got them that start, and yet it is women who they are using. Respect?

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