Thursday, February 16, 2012

Those Little Footsteps...No More

       The silence of one is something I enjoy, but I most enjoy a bunch of kids, laughing, being silly, taking them out, making crafts, and simply letting them enjoy being a child. For almost a week I've had two young guests, siblings and you know how that is. Siblings are interesting and fun. No matter how different, they are the same in the important things in life. But I don't mean all siblings.
       I've come to learn about a silence of two, no words to express that except wish to be one again or have a bunch of kids running around, yelling, laughing, playing make believe, reading, and so much more. Kids who have a wide variety of interests are so easy to please. Kids who don't have many interests lack motivation, so it's up to us as parents to try and try again to motivate.
      My time this past week with these little guys brought a refreshed interest. I heard appreciative thank-yous'. I saw facial expressions of fun, laughter, interest, curiosity, sadness, daydreaming and had questions galore. What a pleasure! They talked and asked questions about my children, places I've been, they've been, and where we could go. They talked about things they read, discoveries they've made and their teachers, what they've learned that day. These little guys love their teachers, and how they're taught at school. I wish their teacher's could read this.
        When I drop one brother off at school, another brother and I wait over a half an hour for his bell, and we sit and watch. One by one they drive into the parking lot, open the doors and bags in hand walk past us. He waves. They give him a big smile and wave back. We talk about who each teacher is and he never stops talking, but in such a good way. He's interesting, not just rattling on. He describes them and what they offer to kids. He knows them well.
          The other brother is a big time reader, yet both are. One reads more and he talks too. He talks about his characters and then compares people he meets to having similarities  to some of the characters. He also asks me a lot of questions. He is so cute as is his brother. So individual are they, that they both becomes favorites and  a person just wants to do for them, take care of them, nurture, hug, play, take them to parks, let them stay up a little bit later and just stay little. These little guys give , I think much more than they get. They just don't know it yet. Children of God, definitely, and where ever they are in life I hope people always treat them as treasures...because they are.
           Those little footsteps...I miss them, but hopefully they'll be back:)

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