Saturday, February 25, 2012

Google & I NEED a Cookie

       Yo what's up Peeps? Okay so you probably have heard all about how Google is going to take all of our search info and  store it. WHY? Has Big Brother come to GOOGLE/ Do they think we are not capable. This is supposed to happen starting Tuesday or Wednesday and Attorney Generals all over the US are fighting this. I'm switching mostly to Yahoo and Netscape and other Search engines and will clear all footprints in Google prior to the change. I know I have to sign in to Google with my blog and maybe one other, but that's okay.
         Now for something better, cookies. Since Thursday I have wanted cookies or one very big cookie. I talked it over with a teen here and he was all for it, but I needed to fight that feeling I had my sweets for the week two days before that.
      Now here it is Sunday and I still want a cookie, now I want an even bigger one, but I'll wait. I'll wait until a local market opens Monday and go in the afternoon when I know the one I want is fresh. Oh yeah, a big one or two now, Oatmeal Raisin-here I come.

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