Sunday, March 29, 2015

Fear Of Christianity

       Last year I had a child in an alternative school. This was an exploration by the district to see where a child belongs who has so many issues, along with having autism. They are the experts I was reminded as we have now passed over a year with him being in too many schools, and too many programs, but he knew as long as I had hope so would he. Here is where God came in.
        I told him at the start he can pray before school, pray before bowling, pray at meals and before bedtime, pray anytime he wanted to and even in school. We bought many Christian movies which he loved, having barely been exposed to religious education prior to living with me. He wasn't sure about God, if he believed in him or not, had all of the same questions many of us have and the biggest one was, "how do I know God is really real, I mean how can you prove it he said to me."
        My answers were things like, look in the mirror, we are all miracles simply by being born and it progressed from there. I don't think a scientist  way back when could have created birth, sleep, waking up and all forms of  life in general. So he started to pray and would ask me to pray for him, would whisper in my ear at the bowling alley, "will you pray for me ?"
        Now it comes to this alternative school. I bought him a cross and yes I was worried about the chain, but it seemed a teacher was more worried about what was on the chain, that symbol, that shiny cross. He was proud of it and I did warn him, some may tell him he has to remove it or hide it. He asked me what to do and I told him to do what he thought was right. He asked what if I get in trouble and I told him, you won't be in trouble at home. He came home that day with the cross tucked inside his shirt. His teacher told him it would be better if he wore it inside his shirt, and more which he didn't understand, so no one would see it. Political Correctness? Bull! It was FEAR .

      He didn't want to have an unhappy teacher that day so he did as she suggested, and he came home disappointed.                               What is the FEAR???
                         Is the fear that it's contagious? if so, then that's something I would want a whole school of misbehaved kids to catch.  Here we are the land of the free, ---with restrictions. Sundays were days of open door churches, now  too many are locked, destroyed, abandoned, sold to other religons and or communities. People will go in and steal instead of praying, all fears churches have, but the faith is the biggest fear. Christianity in many homes was right up there with the law. Do wrong and you will be punished. Now it's wrong to simply show you're a Christian.
          Yet other faiths can close down a NEW YORK CITY street, now want their faith acknowledged in schools and have come to this country, this country which has an open heart, but they, yes they are trying to take over our beliefs and believe it or not-this all started with freedom. Madelene M Ohare's freedom to fight prayer in school, fight for something she didn't believe in, fight for something she was afraid of. So if we had one woman, one atheist woman able to take prayer from schools, what do you think people from another country will do? Imagine if their laws applied here as they are trying to accomplish in other countries?
                                                                                      They are trying to enforce their religious law in other countries because they are AFRAID of CHRISTIANITY. Look what is done to people of the Christian faith who are visiting and helping in other countries !!!  Look at London, who "they" are trying to enforce the religious law from the country "they" left !  Christianity should not be feared but embraced. I bet many of us wished old Madeleine she was alive now and we can send her up front to "them" and she can join "them". All because of FEAR. I have one last thiing to mention,
                                  "ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS !"


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Screaming Children in Public

         I had a chat with my son today who is a great dad. Part of the conversation had to do with screaming kids and how others see them and the parents. When these things happen in public, sure its annoying, it's irritating and upsetting. Here you are trying to shop and suddenly a piercing scream, verberates your thoughts and so what do you do as an outsider. You glare, over and over again. You complain and you judge.
         Next time, either ignore, ask mom or dad if you can help, or simply mind your own business and think. Think that maybe that child isn't just a brat, isn't just misbehaving and maybe mom and dad, either or, are very good parents, but know very well their child just may be autistic. You don't.
        You only hear the sounds, so please stop and say a silent prayer for those parents and that child, that they get though doing what they need to do. No one knows what's going on and the child may have  an illness too of some kind. We just don't know. Be patient, take care of your business and leave. Don't be so quick to assume. You know what's said about assuming.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Nabi Tablet-grrrr

       Two days ago I bought a NABI Tablet, was told at Best Buy in York, "yeah, all ya have to do is plug it in, charge it and it's ready to go". Now tech salesclerk was a nice enough guy, but really didn't want to put much time in helping, just selling. He did say it's an older version and it was on sale for 129.00
      Here is the shocker. It needed a lot more than a charge and I also asked if I had to hook it up to a computer and he said no.Well you do, to get it started and to download so much. I charged it for three hours and nothing, so I went on line, looked at u tube videos and nothing compared to what was happening or not happening with this little NABI.
       I learned a new NABI needs to be charged about five hours, still  nothing was easy to open up. Back to Best buy this morning, receipt in hand, ready to get a refund. But there was a tech guy who was amazingly nice. I asked his name before we left, and sorry I forgot it. I am calling tomorrow to get his name, Roberto? Well I'll find out and make sure management knows. He was beyond patient. We had to wait almost an hour while this NABI finished loading and then back to the desk where this nice young tech guy explained so much. I had to stop him because he would have taken as much time as was needed so the little guy and I both understood.
     However after just a little bit and things opening up, I got it! Now easy peasy as people say. My little guy loves it. I just wish sales people would be honest. By the way, there is a NABI site on facebook. I didn't know NAbi is meant a lot for kids with autism, an dthis really helps.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Adoption Stipends, your Child Support

       Have you adopted? Thought about adopting? Yes it is wonderful that you are considering or close to adopting. Depending on how you're about to do this and if you will receive a stipend, please make sure you are really aware and have an attorney standing by.
      Laws change all the time. As parents you will be responsible for all that you know and all that you don't know.  Such as, you ask ?  Here are a few examples concerned with adopting children from foster care. Lets start with the problems these children bring with them, in that invisible suitcase. Not the one you see packed with clothes, but the one you will know all about as they relax, as they get to know, how you too really are and how they will start to becomes their true selves, who they really are.
       Each child is so very different even though they may have the same diagnosis. Remember, gender, age and family background, personalities, cultures, religions and experiences are individual. So when a caseworker or an agency, or children and youth tell you,"oh you know, she's Bi-Polar, so you know how that goes" as an example. Bull.
     In some ways that isn't any different than your own children and parents say, well they were all treated the same. If true, that's sad. One child may love hugs and the other doesn't. One child may prefer cartoons and another would rather play with blocks. Get the point? Same home, same parents, different personalities.
    Back to adoption. As children move in, become used to you, familiar with how they will be treated, consequences and all, your soft spots, your nature, and your forgiving heart, they start to peel away their own outer layers, like an artichoke. Defiance takes another look, no longer just saying NO! Now it's Fuck You, I don't have to listen to you, you're not my real mom or dad! Damages start to happen. Others properties are destroyed out of jealousy. After property damages, it becomes personal. Therapy isn't helping. Other children live in fear and parents don't sleep. no one sleeps as they used to, all because you decided to give a child a permanent home. Now it's as if your children are on the outside looking in and maybe now it's them who need therapy. FAIR???  Hell No , it isn't fair !
       Now school issues are also apparent with calls every day until finally suspension and your child, your newly adopted child is only ten or eight or twelve. No one has any idea how to help this child. Mental illness,, along with anger and jealousy has taken over. Of course that child wonders why his own parents don't want him or her, can't, won't, or not able because they too have mental health problems. That's how it travels , from one generation to another and one opposite gender to another. To sum it all up, this has now come all added up in the child you just adopted, times six generations.
      Okay now it's just you, this child, your other children and your other adopted children, a husband and maybe grandma is living there too. One night, one lonely quiet night this child's mind works overtime. He finds, or she finds matches, or a gun, or a bat or maybe just a pillow. Think the worst. Chances are it has happened. If not someone has been severely hurt and this child has been removed. Police are called and now you start to learn. You have to pay for that call. This child has been sent to different places as he or he is very dangerous, a new diagnosis, and now you have to pay child support. FAIR ????  Not to me. Why ?
     Yes, you made the choice to make that child now yours, at a stipend so low that you can't  afford to pay child support, but the state says you have to. So you may be labeled deadbeat parents. BULL !  Who ever would think you have to pay support for a child who you adopted and is a psychotic insane criminal ? No one, not one person. So we wonder why adoption sites have children waiting for years. Those sites show bio's that are only a few nice things. This is not the reality of these poor kids. I think the laws have to change about adoption and natural parents. If they are not able, don't care, won't take care of their kids, a red flag needs to be placed on their social security numbers to help with any kind of support.  Twenty five percent of disability need to be taken to go to the adoptive parent as is done with other parents own children
    Adoptive parents save states millions in care and this is the thank you, the respect they get back? Someone else and genetics sadly messed up this child up and now who has to pay? The only parents who would take him or her into their home, adding insult to injury and there will be a lot of injury. More than you will ever imagine, there will be.

   Unless you adopt a baby, you are receiving an invisible suitcase, invisible baggage overflowing with  unseen, unfelt at times, horrors. This is a harsh reality. I know of parents who feel adoption is a mistake, not the child, but the FINALITY of adoption. Many adopted children are back in foster care. That stipend? It goes back to pay for care. Please be careful, get an attorney and ask for all records prior to learning the hard way, the hardest of ways, the UNSEEN BAGGAGE.

Good luck is not enough to say. Prayer helps, but having  Warren Buffet as a realtive may help a lot more.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Azealia Banks & Oprah

        She is twenty-three and hates AMERICA, so let her leave, and leave AMERICAN money she made here, but at the very least stop employing her. I know that won't happen. She can only speak that way because she does live in AMERICA. She hates fat white AMERICANS and the people she states are middle AMERICA, and plain and simple let her go to the homeland she claims, well made attempts to claim-as if she was ripped  from and her language is not natural.
    Some time ago OPRAH made a statement that the only way to end discrimination was for all old white people to die. IS SHE NUTS? I just saw a white man, a KKK member  who is about forty and there are millions of white who hate, anyone who is different.
    There are also millions of blacks who hate whites. The reasoning behind much of this, in my opinion is self hatred. When people aren't happy, they blame others. When they are poor, blame others, on and on it goes.
       So lets take this Azealia who her parents obviously thought would be a beautiful person in all ways and may still think so-love is love-and give Az her wish. Stop booking her to rhyme  as in rap, stop giving her great AMERICAN hotel rooms, stop PAYING her AMERICAN money-yup, find out what the currency is in AFRICA and pay her in money which she feels whole, in which she can relate to, not feel ripped apart, cheated etc.
      We have many intelligent Americans of all races and religions, all classes who accept who they are, where they are and try to do better, or help others do better. Az, get rid of her. Once she leaves AMERICA and I bet she won't, cancel her passport.

Saturday, March 14, 2015


I have to add-when making hotel reservations, AARP is the same as AAA, but with AAA I get towing, 5.00 worth of gas, a charge if needed and  acompany that stands by the original AGREEMENT !

> Dear Mr. Rand,

> Recently you sent us a letter encouraging us to renew our lapsed membership in AARP by the requested date. This isn't what you were looking for, but it is the most honest response I can give you. Our coverage gap is a microscopic symptom of the real problem, a deepening lack of faith. While we have proudly maintained our membership for years and long admired the AARP goals and principles, regrettably, we can no longer endorse its abdication of our values. Your letter stated that we can count on AARP to speak up for our rights, yet the voice we hear is not ours!

> Your offer of being kept up to date on important issues through DIVIDED WE FAIL presents neither an impartial view nor the one we have come to embrace. We do believe that when two parties agree all the time on everything presented to them, one is probably not necessary. But, when the opinions and long term goals are diametrically opposed, the divorce is imminent. This is the philosophy which spawned our 200 years of government.

> Once upon a time, we looked forward to being part of the senior demographic. We also looked to AARP to provide certain benefits and give our voice a power we could not possibly hope to achieve on our own. AARP once gave us a sense of belonging which we no longer enjoy. The Socialist politics practiced by the Obama Regime and empowered by AARP serves only to raise the blood pressure my medical insurance strives to contain. Clearly a conflict of interest there! We do not understand the AARP posture, feel greatly betrayed by the guiding forces that we expected to map out our senior years and leave your ranks with a great sense of regret. We mitigate that disappointment with the relief of knowing that we are not contributing to the problem anymore by renewing our membership. There are numerous other organizations which offer discounts without threatening our way of life or offending our sensibilities and val ues.

> This Obama Regime scares the living daylights out of us. Not just for ourselves, but for our proud and bloodstained heritage. But more importantly for our children and grandchildren. Washington has rendered Soylent Green a prophetic cautionary tale rather than a nonfiction scare tactic. I have never endorsed any militant or radical groups, yet now I find myself listening to them. I don't have to agree with them to appreciate the fear which birthed their existence. Their borderline insanity presents little more than a balance to the voice of the Socialist Mindset in power. Perhaps I became American by a great stroke of luck in some cosmic uterine lottery, but in my adulthood I CHOOSE to embrace it and nurture the freedoms it represents as well as the responsibilities.
> Your web site generously offers us the opportunity to receive all communication in Spanish. ARE YOU KIDDING??? The illegal perpetrators have broken into our 'house', invaded our home without invitation or consent. The President insists we keep these illegal perpetrators in comfort and learn the perpetrator's language so we can communicate our reluctant welcome to them. I DON'T choose to welcome them, to support them, to educate them, to medicate them, or to pay for their food or clothing. American home invaders get arrested. Please explain to me why foreign lawbreakers can enjoy privileges on American soil that Americans do not get? Why do some immigrants have to play the game to be welcomed and others only have to break and enter to be welcomed?

> We travel for a living. Walt hauls horses all over this great country, averaging over 10,000 miles a month when he is out there. He meets more people than a politician on caffeine overdose. Of all the many good folks he enjoyed on this last 10,000 miles, this trip yielded only ONE supporter of the current Regime. One of us is out of touch with mainstream America. Since our poll is conducted without funding, I have more faith in it than ones that are driven by a need to yield AMNESTY (aka-make voters out of the foreign lawbreakers so they can vote to continue the governments free handouts). This addition of 10 to 20 million voters who then will vote to continue Socialism will OVERWHELM our votes to control the government's free handouts. It is a "slippery slope" we must not embark on!

> As Margaret Thatcher (former Prime Minister of Great Britain) once said "Socialism is GREAT - UNTIL you run out of other people's money".

> We have decided to forward this to everyone on our mailing list, and will encourage them to do the same. With several hundred in my address book, I have every faith that the eventual exponential factor will make a credible statement to you. I am disappointed as all get out! I am more scared than I have ever been in my entire life! I am ANGRY! I am MAD as heck, and I'm NOT gonna take it anymore!

> Walt & Cyndy Miller,
> Miller Farms Equine Transport


> Further more if you do a little checking on ARRP's web site you will find their anti-second amendment position to disarm us....In internet lingo: If enough people pass this on, it will go viral

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Deli Delicious 966 S. George St. York PA.

        This is a local Deli in York Pa. which has a nice atmosphere, nice people and a variety of deli meats for sandwiches along with freshly made soups. By appearances it's also clean, has a few small tables for people to sit and eat. The downfall for me was ordering a sandwich. While it was flavorful and very fresh, the meat was a cheaper cut of roast beef. I'll get back to that in a few moments.
        The bread was wonderful as if it just came out of the oven. Drinks are 1.69 for a bottle of water and or ice tea. The lettuce was a nice dark leafy green and plenty of it as well as the meat. Roast beef is my favorite sandwich. Many times I've had Jimmy Johns and swore I would never have another roast beef sandwich anywhere as they have the best and most fresh, high cut of beef with their roast beef as well as other meats.
      Due to an errand and not having lunch I decided to go to the Deli Delicious deli. People there are very nice, welcoming and willing to please. But that Roast beef is deceptive. I think they hope people in York don't know the difference, so they also flavor it with either pepper or some spice.
      A LESS expensive aka cheap cut of beef has a look and a taste. I would compare it to ARBYs, however I haven't been there in years due to their leathery roast beef. Even though Leathery roast beef can be slowly cooked to become tender but you can't change that look. CHEAP Roast Beef has a shine to it.
I bought roast beef at Giants' one day, took it home, barely looked, but made a sandwich and one bite did it. I took it apart and saw why it tasted the way it did. It was a cheap cut and shiny. I returned it and asked why. I was told when they put Giants brand on sale, that's always the cheap cut. Always spend a little more, know your beef and other meats and really enjoy good, well not just good but great flavor. With Great cuts for sandwiches, you don't need sale, pepper, mayo, mustard, nothing, maybe lettuce and tomato, a piece of pickle or cucumber. Leave all of the fat stuff off and enjoy the good stuff, but not with the cuts at Deli Delicious. Back to Jimmy Johns, a York Improvement with better cuts of meat.

Monday, March 9, 2015

ELia's 86th and 3rd Ave. Brooklyn-Prices? Auto Gratuity

      Hello Brooklyn....I am a Brooklynite now residing Pennsylvania but frequent my city as often as I can.
I love to eat out and always get great service at The Salty Dog. There are other nice places to, but I want to sing about ELIA's for now. On face book someone showed their receipt. On that receipt it shows an auto gratuity of  20% and she was charged 30% for  a number of guests, unknown to me and no mention of how the food was so of course I leave that out. But she was charged 30.00 flat fee for a COD dinner. I know people do read menus and know how much they're paying, unless filthy rich and don't care.
      There also was no mention of how the cod was, so all I can really say here is watch out for restaurants, call AHEAD and see if you will be charged an automatic gratuity. I don't like restaurants that do that. It sends a message to waitresses and waiters they don't have to work as hard BUT we also don't know if the owner takes a piece of that. Some restaurants do that. There is such a place here. I found out after my first time just dropping in for a burger with a kid and the waitress volunteers to tell me, staff share the tips with the owner. that is pure and simple robbery.

Good luck dining out:)