Thursday, March 26, 2015

Screaming Children in Public

         I had a chat with my son today who is a great dad. Part of the conversation had to do with screaming kids and how others see them and the parents. When these things happen in public, sure its annoying, it's irritating and upsetting. Here you are trying to shop and suddenly a piercing scream, verberates your thoughts and so what do you do as an outsider. You glare, over and over again. You complain and you judge.
         Next time, either ignore, ask mom or dad if you can help, or simply mind your own business and think. Think that maybe that child isn't just a brat, isn't just misbehaving and maybe mom and dad, either or, are very good parents, but know very well their child just may be autistic. You don't.
        You only hear the sounds, so please stop and say a silent prayer for those parents and that child, that they get though doing what they need to do. No one knows what's going on and the child may have  an illness too of some kind. We just don't know. Be patient, take care of your business and leave. Don't be so quick to assume. You know what's said about assuming.

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