Sunday, March 29, 2015

Fear Of Christianity

       Last year I had a child in an alternative school. This was an exploration by the district to see where a child belongs who has so many issues, along with having autism. They are the experts I was reminded as we have now passed over a year with him being in too many schools, and too many programs, but he knew as long as I had hope so would he. Here is where God came in.
        I told him at the start he can pray before school, pray before bowling, pray at meals and before bedtime, pray anytime he wanted to and even in school. We bought many Christian movies which he loved, having barely been exposed to religious education prior to living with me. He wasn't sure about God, if he believed in him or not, had all of the same questions many of us have and the biggest one was, "how do I know God is really real, I mean how can you prove it he said to me."
        My answers were things like, look in the mirror, we are all miracles simply by being born and it progressed from there. I don't think a scientist  way back when could have created birth, sleep, waking up and all forms of  life in general. So he started to pray and would ask me to pray for him, would whisper in my ear at the bowling alley, "will you pray for me ?"
        Now it comes to this alternative school. I bought him a cross and yes I was worried about the chain, but it seemed a teacher was more worried about what was on the chain, that symbol, that shiny cross. He was proud of it and I did warn him, some may tell him he has to remove it or hide it. He asked me what to do and I told him to do what he thought was right. He asked what if I get in trouble and I told him, you won't be in trouble at home. He came home that day with the cross tucked inside his shirt. His teacher told him it would be better if he wore it inside his shirt, and more which he didn't understand, so no one would see it. Political Correctness? Bull! It was FEAR .

      He didn't want to have an unhappy teacher that day so he did as she suggested, and he came home disappointed.                               What is the FEAR???
                         Is the fear that it's contagious? if so, then that's something I would want a whole school of misbehaved kids to catch.  Here we are the land of the free, ---with restrictions. Sundays were days of open door churches, now  too many are locked, destroyed, abandoned, sold to other religons and or communities. People will go in and steal instead of praying, all fears churches have, but the faith is the biggest fear. Christianity in many homes was right up there with the law. Do wrong and you will be punished. Now it's wrong to simply show you're a Christian.
          Yet other faiths can close down a NEW YORK CITY street, now want their faith acknowledged in schools and have come to this country, this country which has an open heart, but they, yes they are trying to take over our beliefs and believe it or not-this all started with freedom. Madelene M Ohare's freedom to fight prayer in school, fight for something she didn't believe in, fight for something she was afraid of. So if we had one woman, one atheist woman able to take prayer from schools, what do you think people from another country will do? Imagine if their laws applied here as they are trying to accomplish in other countries?
                                                                                      They are trying to enforce their religious law in other countries because they are AFRAID of CHRISTIANITY. Look what is done to people of the Christian faith who are visiting and helping in other countries !!!  Look at London, who "they" are trying to enforce the religious law from the country "they" left !  Christianity should not be feared but embraced. I bet many of us wished old Madeleine she was alive now and we can send her up front to "them" and she can join "them". All because of FEAR. I have one last thiing to mention,
                                  "ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS !"


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