Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Azealia Banks & Oprah

        She is twenty-three and hates AMERICA, so let her leave, and leave AMERICAN money she made here, but at the very least stop employing her. I know that won't happen. She can only speak that way because she does live in AMERICA. She hates fat white AMERICANS and the people she states are middle AMERICA, and plain and simple let her go to the homeland she claims, well made attempts to claim-as if she was ripped  from and her language is not natural.
    Some time ago OPRAH made a statement that the only way to end discrimination was for all old white people to die. IS SHE NUTS? I just saw a white man, a KKK member  who is about forty and there are millions of white who hate, anyone who is different.
    There are also millions of blacks who hate whites. The reasoning behind much of this, in my opinion is self hatred. When people aren't happy, they blame others. When they are poor, blame others, on and on it goes.
       So lets take this Azealia who her parents obviously thought would be a beautiful person in all ways and may still think so-love is love-and give Az her wish. Stop booking her to rhyme  as in rap, stop giving her great AMERICAN hotel rooms, stop PAYING her AMERICAN money-yup, find out what the currency is in AFRICA and pay her in money which she feels whole, in which she can relate to, not feel ripped apart, cheated etc.
      We have many intelligent Americans of all races and religions, all classes who accept who they are, where they are and try to do better, or help others do better. Az, get rid of her. Once she leaves AMERICA and I bet she won't, cancel her passport.

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