Saturday, March 21, 2015

Nabi Tablet-grrrr

       Two days ago I bought a NABI Tablet, was told at Best Buy in York, "yeah, all ya have to do is plug it in, charge it and it's ready to go". Now tech salesclerk was a nice enough guy, but really didn't want to put much time in helping, just selling. He did say it's an older version and it was on sale for 129.00
      Here is the shocker. It needed a lot more than a charge and I also asked if I had to hook it up to a computer and he said no.Well you do, to get it started and to download so much. I charged it for three hours and nothing, so I went on line, looked at u tube videos and nothing compared to what was happening or not happening with this little NABI.
       I learned a new NABI needs to be charged about five hours, still  nothing was easy to open up. Back to Best buy this morning, receipt in hand, ready to get a refund. But there was a tech guy who was amazingly nice. I asked his name before we left, and sorry I forgot it. I am calling tomorrow to get his name, Roberto? Well I'll find out and make sure management knows. He was beyond patient. We had to wait almost an hour while this NABI finished loading and then back to the desk where this nice young tech guy explained so much. I had to stop him because he would have taken as much time as was needed so the little guy and I both understood.
     However after just a little bit and things opening up, I got it! Now easy peasy as people say. My little guy loves it. I just wish sales people would be honest. By the way, there is a NABI site on facebook. I didn't know NAbi is meant a lot for kids with autism, an dthis really helps.

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