Monday, January 26, 2015

Snacks for SNOW Emergencies?

      I just read an article about someone stock piling for this snow emergency hitting the East Coast, and it was all about snack food, like popcorn etc. What about preparing ahead of time a crock pot of stew, and sure if electricity goes out, it's cold, but it's still REAL FOOD and nutritious . How about egg salad ahead of time, tuna fish, canned soups that you just pull open. Hot or cold, it's food. Also PB&J, crackers, yogurt, fruit. Also flashlights, batteries, a radio, blankets, things that you REALLY NEED!
    Sure popcorn is fine, as well as candy, chocolate, ice cream, but you also need first aid supplies too.
Buy what is needed first and then if in your budget or bank, buy those extras.
Stay warm everyone but as important, stay safe.

Friday, January 23, 2015

14 WIves, 200 KIds, one Father, AUB, Salt Lake, UTAh

        I can't believe what I'm watching. This is a cult in Salt Lake City Utah. Three sisters with different mothers and a same father went through sexual abuse, beatings and more, escaped. This place is known as , THE ORDER, also AUB.
      Another man has 300 kids. They live in Poverty and intermarry with cousins and uncles. Why is this allowed to go on. Police have been there and removed some girls who were brave enough to call moms who escaped. These were daughters who married within THE ORDER only to learn the new husband soon wanted another wife and would beat his first wife, demean her. She was a lucky one to leave when her mom heard some of the beating on the phone. She called the police and all went together. The husband went to jail and the young girl left with her mom.
     Now the original three young ladies are rescuing other young women who they hear through friends, some male, that they want to escape. It was reported the AUB has over a billion dollars in their own bank. Supposedly they also have their own school and everything to keep them in one place and outsiders out. They do venture into the city, but rarely does a woman go, and they wear regular clothes, so as not to bring attention to themselves.
   Daniel is the nucleus of the KINGSTON CLAN as a mom reported. He is only there for sex and to make more babies. She works, pays the bills, daycare and ives in a horrendous apartment with mold, leaky ceilings and floors. The men  in the Kingston Clan do not want to allow and girls to leave as in wives, but will keep the children as a way to force women to remain.
   These are older men, mainly, who force young girl s to marry and get a license for the first wife legally, so they are living a bigamist life and  would be arrested as pedophiles if caught, put on Megan's list for child molesters, in my opinion.
   This is definitely something decent people should not stand idly by and allow to happen, part of taking back decency in our country. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Patience Paid off Times Three

         A few months ago, I sent  a friend in another state some money to help get through a few days until pay day. The problem ? It was never picked up. I was very surprised when I received a letter from Western Union letting me know the money needed to be re-issued or returned to me. I chose to return to me, but I didn't have the tracking number. Why would I three months later? So I called Western Union during the week, a week ago and was told to go back to the agent which was at a grocery store, have them call Western Union to get the tracking number as they would have to put their own agent number in.
      So I waited until today, of all days, a Saturday. Now just before going to the store, I stopped at a convenience store to cash a dollar scratch off. IT was laying on my desk for two weeks as I rarely buy them anymore. Weening myself off coffee I just had to sop, get coffee and cash in my 4.00 ticket-BUT it was a 20.00 ticket. Cool, so now I buy a couple of power balls. Hey ya never know. Okay now off to the grocery store, explained it all to the clerk who called W.U. and just didn't have time to mess with this as it is a huge store and the counter was busy. Taking the paperwork, I walk over to the store's cafe and wait, and wait and wait on hold until finally about forty minutes later an agent comes on, from India possibly. The accent was thick and the guy was nice. Finally he tells me he has to talk to the clerk and there I was, bounding to the counter, hoping they didn't have a line and asking the agent to have as much patience with me as I have just had with Western Union.
      He laughs and tells me not to worry, he will wait, and wait he did. Another finally I was given back the sixty dollars and decided while there to buy a bunch of fruits and vegetables, and a couple of filet Mignon's. The groceries came to 56.21-so of course that feels free after getting 60.00 back, and in the check out, the cashier hands me my receipt and tells me i have forty cents off a gallon of gas ! I wasn't paying attention to my gas pints at the grocery store for a while and now here I was, tank almost empty and end up paying 1.73 a gallon. Patience pays off :) P.S. Keep your WU receipts for two months

Friday, January 16, 2015

Bruce & Patrick AGE & WEIGHT-Patrick & Boxlightner

       What a shock when I saw both of these men in a hallmark movie. I thought they were close in age, but looked them up and yes, Patrick is a little bit older, almost a year.
        Yet as I watched both of these men walk down a short path, then about to sit, I noticed how easily Patrick Duffy sat while Bruce Boxlightner  did one of those uh, letting a breath out sitting down, not as easy. It was very obvious why. Bruce has packed on the pounds. I'm no skinny and have already started on daily changes because I don't want to look so much older than I am.
        When the movie opened, Patrick looked like he could be father of the bride, while Bruce looked like Grandfather of the groom. I hate to insult, but this  is an eye opener for me, for sure.
      Patrick Duffy will be 66 in March 2015 and Bruce will be 65 in May 2015. They look about the same height and it ends with that. So we all know weight equals age as in how old do you really look compared to how old you really are. But what to do about it ? A meal at a time.
    First please look up Dr. Josh AXE. He is authentic, not trying to starve people, but is so easy to grasp what is good for us and what is poisonous. I thought as do many how great olive oil is-check again. But Grape seed oil. I just listened to another u tube video on building muscle and losing fat-It comes down to how much protein you need, According to AXE we need to eat half of our body weight to build muscle and to burn fat 7 percent of body weight and I have started that today. He also tells us WHEY protein is a good source to build protein and I already have that.
    Are there vegetable you can't see eating because you don't like the taste? Me too, so I started roasting an assortment, sprinkled  thyme and basil on them, added a cut up apple or pear and I got delicious. Okay that's enough for now. Good luck and try it. What have you got to lose?

Friday, January 9, 2015

Locked up for Kids Safety ? HA!

        Over the last few years I have become more aware of toxic chemicals in the house for cleaning, eating, what bedding is made of, where things come from, made in the USA or not and buy accordingly. But this morning I learned a lesson I didn't think I had to learn and this is one you can use on your own kids, if you can fool them enough.
        I have a foster child, young, immature beyond expectations, and many other issues. This child loves to sneak, snoop, lie, steal, connive and more. So I do make believe phone calls, and talk about my fake cameras. Every time this child then comes forward to tell me about the latest adventure in the home. This morning while sleeping on the sofa, my child got into bathroom stuff I don't even use anymore, but I never thought curiosity would peak an interest, I also have essential oils. Well things were mixed, stolen and confessed. This child is now cleaning the bathroom, not as punishment, but a chore, and I am moving furniture as the child will think, I do this every January. The worst thing you can do is let the child know you have to do all you are doing because they caused it, as many children love not only the attention, but the fact they are making an adult make changes.
    It has also made me aware to rid my home of so much more now, so anytime a child feels a need to snoop, there isn't anything to cause harm. This brings me back to a foster mom who provided respite for me years ago. I had two very small boys 6 and 8. She let them look inside of doors, drawers, cabinets to clear their mind of, "what's in there" curiosity. A good idea. SO no time like right now to take care of things, but I am adding a few room locks-it's cheap insurance. Oh those things this child was curious about, also as the child called Chemicals, loved repeating that, are all gone. Vinegar and water clean everything just fine, add baking soda for drains. Look up Natural ways to do just about everything. I have learned, and thankfully early enough-have you?

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Making Skirts for Chrildren

Hello Everyone

      I will be making little girls skirts and maybe small bags to match, not sure yet about that part. Anyway asking for help with waist sizes and ages.  When I make them please if you will send all info to me at when I make them I will send you a free skirt for your child. This is for Spring:)

I can only do so many of course, so the first six for ages 3-5-7 and 9
I would need waist sizes and length you want and for what age of child.
Right now you can see some of my child totes on

Thank you for any help-here is one childs bag, comes with accessories

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Door

 I know, am very well aware this photo doesn't appear to match the story but in time it may. You see this restaurant has a beautiful, glass and chrome set of doors. One of many places a very special young lady and I passed through over the years. She knows who she is and so , of course for her, I will leave her name out.
This very nice young lady and I passed through The Waldorf with her cousin on Valentines day one year, and boy did we have fun. The Waldorf gave us the wrong room, with a bidet. Then giving us another room, three females trying to plug in hair dyers, curling irons, the lights went out, more than once. We had reservations at a restaurant, IL Cortile's on Mulberry St In Little Italy. Their door is made of Oak and Glass with their name adorning it in a fancy golden scroll. Oh we arrived in a black stretch limousine provided to us by the Waldorf since so many things were going wrong. Those doors, big, black and wide, opened by a well mannered chauffeur. After supper he stood outside, holding a sign with our name. Great memories.
We also loved SPQR-those doors, two huge and classy doors with combined wood, glass and also oak presented us with an over sized dining room, a baby grand shiny black piano and waiters at out every whim.

      There were the doors to the theater where we saw David Morse and sat so close I was dying to touch his hand, but my special young lady friend kind of reminded my about manners as her shoes nudged my leg. Doors, doors and more as we entered a hotel room at The Founders Inn , in Virginia Beach, dark polished, and solid wood greeted us as we entered a fancy but classy room. Too young too remember maybe, there were also the doors at PTL, Glass Elevator doors.
      A lifetime of doors to other worlds such as A Royal Caribbean cruise-twice. The New York Plaza hotel where Geraldo Rivera passed by with it's grand staircase and more doors. Of course we stayed at a small boutique hotel in New York where Tony Bennett Frequents and met a cat named Matilda. The Hotel was the Algonquin, a little small for us, but none the less, nice and we did get to meet Matilda as she lay on the reservation desk. Now those doors seem a bit more narrow, but still, good enough. We've stayed the Best Western Gregory in Brooklyn many times with it's shiny gold look elevator doors, and less I forget The Salty Dog. The doors at The Salty Dog are over sized  oak deep grained and paneled Fire house doors, with an average size entry door and then a hotel in Nebraska, and Ohio, and Tennessee and a wonderful hotel near Busch Gardens. It wasn't important if we went alone, with cousins, just that we went.
We passed through so many doors I've lost count, but it was the time spent that did count, and I've learned a lot about doors. It doesn't matter what the door is made of as long as love is passing through it and we all know loves comes in many forms. We also know the only door in life that counts is the one opened by those you love, so always keep it open. Yes there is as the song goes, The Door is Still Open to my heart. She has that kind of door to her heart. I am so proud to have shared those memories, those doors, with my daughter.
I love you.

This one or That one ?

DeBlasio, DeBalls ? Britton Public SHAMING

       NYPD Blue is a TV show and certainly not an example of the New York police Commissioner we have today, due to his statement to the police of New York as he followed in the footsteps of Bill DeBlasio. I realize politics but when does a man stand up and speak for himself instead of a political  tail wagging. Britton gave permission to police to do as they felt they needed to, but asked not to since this was a funeral, so now he goes along with DeBlasio in a public shaming of the police.
     Both of these so called top men refused to recognize and state the truth. This back turning was about DeBalls aka DeBlasio and the great Police of New York who were showing their disrespect for DeBlasio and only when DeBalls aka DeBlasio was speaking.
     Britton, wag your tail and follow DeBlasio aka DeBAlls out of office. I know your career, the money is at risk, but do you have any shame at all ? Have you heard of self-respect ?
     Let's just hope the police don't turn their backs on either of you if you ever need them as you both have done to them in a public shaming by stating they did this during the actual funeral, when you both know they did this only when DeBAlls was at the podium.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Oscar, Green Eyes-Brooklyn Long Ago

       I thought this may be a better way to see if I can learn about Oscar. He was about the nicest kid in school and was in my class in the eighth grade at P.S. 140, the original school on 59th st. and 4th ave. Some called it 118, some 140.
       Well what I can tell you about Oscar is he was very tall, lanky, kind and soft spoken. He was already filled with wisdom, more than most of the adults I knew. When things went wrong in class and Oscar would notice some kid going wild, Oscar would saunter up, put his hand kindly on that kids shoulder and that kid who wanted to fight would stop and settle down. I can still hear him say, okay Oscar, if you say so.
       I remember too Oscar's hair. He had it filled with some kind of hair grease like one of my brothers used-yuck. You would be one sorry kid if you grabbed my brothers' hair, grabbing and sliding backwards at the same time. But somehow with Oscar It worked. His hair looked like a series of ocean waves, dark brown, yet had some lighter highlights, enough to notice the swirls, the curl in front. He had a great smile and I'm pretty sure he was Spanish. His hands were strong and he had long piano fingers.
     Oscar had a smile that fit his personality and I never heard anyone say anything bad about him. He was just a kind, kind kid in a body filled with wisdom and love for humanity. That's how I saw him and I hope someone reads this, knows him and lets me know how he is. my contact is Nancymellow@
If you know Oscar, I'm sure you know what I mean.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Pepito Roman-Romano Brooklyn NY

       Living in a huge apartment building there were many faces, big and small families, some doing well and some not doing so well. This building located at 328-59th st. Brooklyn had a very special little kid. He was Puerto Rican and his name was Pepito, but his last name is sketchy as there were two families with similar last names. One was Roman, one Romano. One family Peurto Rican and one Spanish. these two families were a world apart. What I do remember is Pepitos' mother used to make great Spanish rice and always remembered me when she did make it and for that alone I have fond memories of her.
       Pepito was a funny little kid, small in size and chubby. His best friend was my brother Roger who he would yell, ROOGER! ROOGER! ROOGER coming out? So like many, every once in a while I wonder what ever became of Pepito. So Pepito if you recognize yourself here, e mail me at lived on the first floor and you on the second. I only remember you and your mom, but I was only nine. I hope you are happy and well :)

Friday, January 2, 2015

Spring Grove PA. Discriminates/Foster Children

        Some years ago I had a child who I cared for, an African American female who had alopecia and a school aide got away with so many negative things to this girl and she should have been fired. She told her "Where's your wig, you should wear your wig" it was endless.

      Now we have  a child who they refused to place in a proper setting. WHY? Because as I was told, It's so expensive, we can't afford that because I have to be financially responsible for every child. The activity fund for high school kids was more that what was allowed for Special Education at Spring Grove School in PA. Another two comments were "is he staying" and "these foster kids sure move around".
   I know another parent who has a child in the same district and has to fight tooth and nail to have the child participate in activities as in "inclusion". But because the child is special needs beyond what is used to, the easy answer is, push away, and keep pushing until the parents find another way or give up fighting a very rich school.
                   Seven teachers will not be replaced giving the school back 750,000
and building allocations were reduced by 50,000.....Maybe a few just received a higher rate of pay.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Spring Grove Schools PA.

       Parents who have children in Special Education classes please look at the school budget. As parents you will receive better responses, grandparents, probably less, guardians less and if you are a caretaker of a child, a whole lot less.
        There are places such as PEAL for assistance, Education law center,  Special Education attorneys and the best is the media. When a school district is telling an adult that to place a child in a program which is so costly, they just can't do it, well if u r a parent, you have so many options. First I would ask to sit down and have a calm chat, be prepared with a pen and take notes. If nothing is resolved, do not waste your time, effort, gas, blood pressure and patience, and do one of two things. Contact the ACLU or a Lawyer.

    The money in this budget shows, ATTRITION=750,000=7 staff not to be replaced which equals 107, per staff, not bad for a small town school and then it shows reducing building allocations by 50,000.
    Where did that money go?
They received a READY To Learn Grant of 480,469. of which 34,553 was allocated to Special ed-did they actually receive that? You know since it's so expensive to educate a child in Special Education.
    Oh, The high School has an "ACTIVITY FUND" of 39,307.99, but the fund for Special Education was much lower. I don't begrudge any student anything, but fair is fair and if a child had the name GLADFELTER, what is happening to the child I am caring for-well it wouldn't be happening.
   P.S.  For those of you who don't know Spring Grove, it's a papermill town, Gladfelter Papermill, Gladfelter Library, Gladfelter Stadium (high School) and more. 

The general fund in 2012 was 30,646,746.92