Tuesday, May 26, 2015

VANNILOU, N.C. Texting & driving

    I tried to copy and paste her photo which was shared on my face book page, couldn't, so if she belongs to you, has an accident check her phone. She saw the person staring at her and kept texting at which time that photo was taken.
    I hope to God she doesn't kill someone because she doesn't acre about the law or anyone else on the road, or herself. She has a family and if they are paying for her phone, remove the text capability. IF she doesn't care about others on the road, we do.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Josh Duggar, Family, Perspectives

          Like many it was horrible sad and feeling of being conflicted about this. To me there isn't any excuse for child molesting. People who do this are first cowards as they do it in secret, bullies because they threaten and the worst of the worst when it comes to criminals. They change what should have been a different outcome for a child. Child molesters are usually people we know, fathers, brothers, sometimes an aunt, babysitter, best friends and those in power who we put trust in, Catholic Priests, Lutheran minister, Jewish Rabbi's School coaches and counselors. I worked in mental health and in a group home there was a teen who was confused by another female who was bi sexual and trying hard to get this very pretty and innocent teen to go her way.
      She confided this in a counselor at a mental health agency who ended up taking advantage of this young girl. It wasn't long before her confusion in her Catholic faith and her family telling her how sinful it was, that she took  a gun and killed herself.
     Now we have a young man who when he was a teen took advantage and molested his sisters. The family thought they took care of it by doing what was right. They went to the law !!!  WHO does that in families?   Mine sure didn't. They swept the garbage under the rug and because of the nasty family secrets that mothers keep, how many other kids are molested? YOU can't keep an eye on two kids all the time, never mind nineteen. But then the parents took them to counseling-again did what was right !!! Creating a paper trail, they believed helped heal all the children. So now the whole fairly is punished because of what one boy did, a boy. I am not excusing this at all. Kids experiment with those closest to them, but this is also a problem when parents don't want to openly talk about sex.
    Imagine if they did nothing, for just a few moments. Josh Duggar would continue to do what he did and yes I know-maybe he still is or maybe he will repeat. This is a stain on the family. The whole world knows.  Who is the bastard that leaked it-what were they paid to continue to cause harm to the girls ????
People will look and stare at these girls and wonder "which one was it is it that one?" They will watch to see the effects of long ago, Any wrongs they might do, any misjudgements they may make will be blamed on being molested.
      I hope who ever leaked this is shamed. I hope he or she made enough money that they sleep at night and more than anything, I wonder did that happen to them and is that why they didn't care about the victims in this.?  Let me tell you I am looking at this from a totally different perspective and if it was the father, I would be the first to drop him off in the middle of an ocean, put the needle in his arm,. flip the switch. Those poor girls. Hey just  a thought, recently an old friend stated those who accuse usually do-so to the one who exposed...are you molesting? BTW, I know that isn't all true, but to a small extent it is. Those girls-did you really ever think about them as you collected a big fat check? I doubt it. When people really care, it's never about money.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Two Hunks Together? Rose & Clooney

      Stated by Gayle King this morning on CBS my favorite morning show that as Charlie Rose and George Clooney (almost forgot Clooneys first name) are "Two Hunks Together" So, what does it take to make a hunk, be a hunk, or simply have HUNK STATUS ?
     Is it just looks? Maybe a perfect body, great teeth and look at a guys hands ! It is his personality and how much money he has or the position in life he holds? Is it his peers? You know what I mean. Can a hunk be a plain looking guy, skinny and all around just fair, but hangs out with the best of the best, as in celebrities, world famous rich?
    Back to George and Charlie. Any faults that we notice? Look at Charlies sad and maybe drooping eyes when he appears so tired he should just go back to bed. Did you see how thick Georges' legs looked in jeans ? His eyes filled with crows feet? But really who cares. To me a hunk is who you love, who will always be there for you and with you, no matter what. IT is the personalities, how well they listen, and are interested in what you say to the point they ask questions back, and it is their hearts, compassion, compassion, empathy, enthusiasm, laughter. Being a hunk is a whole person, and yes Charlie is a hunk to me and okay, so is George. Go love a hunk.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Allison Sweeney

       I have com cast and have had it for about a year, but the prices are getting worse so I am going to go back to my old antenna TV. The only thing I will really miss will be HALLMARK Movies . OF course I enjoy all of the reality housewives shows,and NYC shows, but I have to live in Reality and do without. My little guy loves two cartoon stations and it is wonderful to have animal planet, but the price of COMCAST is crazy and most are same in price.
      Lately I have been watch a lot of Hallmark with Allison Sweeney. She is such a good actress, but also seems so genuine. Good bye Hallmark, Allison. Hello green :)

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Fresno Dax, Where R U ?

        A few months ago my son and I were talking about places and kids, friends and names and he asked me if I ever knew or remembered Dax' last name. Dax  lived in Fresno and the year was about 1980. He would walk down to our house and go swimming with my son Mike. We lived on Turner, so Dax, if this is you, let me know and I'll put you in touch with Mike if you want. He always remembered you as a nice kid. Mike had a little sister then, still has ,but of course both older, not so little.

Siblings, Who WIns The Mothers Day Race

        A couple of days ago I saw a big pinkish lavender envelope in my mailbox at the post office. IT was from my son. Taking it to the car, once inside I opened it and read the nicest words we all love to read. At the bottom he signed his name, love your son Mike, but something near it was scratched out. I didn't pay attention because I didn't have my glasses on and, it was scratched out so what did it matter.
      Every year my son and daughter race to get to me first as far as phone calls. Last year my son called me two days before, saying this is a pre mothers day call, asking, "did Jenny call yet?" I love this silly but funny back and forth love. That's what it is, love.  Then Jenny calls early, so early on Mothers day and yells a happy and in a high voice, "Happy mothers day mom, did Mike call yet?" I think they're close to be tied.
     Then there is father day. Yes, I get fathers' day calls and cards too. I am so loved by my kids, so lucky, so happy that God chose me to have them here on earth-as it will be in Heaven :)
     Well last night, sitting up late I grabbed the card again and read it from Mike. As I neared his signature I looked more closely at what he scratched out, no glasses on but squinting, just couldn't quite make it out. Getting up and sitting at my computer I grabbed my glasses to see what he scratched out. I bust out laughing so hard, I was sure the neighbors heard me. His signature, well he scratched out "Steven". Just a silly thing but so funny and no, it isn't his middle name and no Steven's in the family, but I also always loved that name. So Michael my son, or if you might now be using Steven, Thank you for the hilarious laugh.


Friday, May 8, 2015

Parking ABOVE EYE Level SIgns

       Have you ever watched Parking Wars? Just about everyone who is getting a ticket will say, but I didn't see the sign, or think the sign means something different, or they are just trying to get out of a ticket. I have two words for everyone, LOOK UP!
        Pay attention to corners, meters, and those signs that are not placed to attract your eye. Those signs are placed high above eye level in the hopes you DO NOT SEE them. Then of course the tickets come out. I have seen these ticketers/meter maids happily enjoy writing tickets to the point of one lady stopping to chat with her husband and say, no, no tickets yet, acting sad- faced. If they're not handing out tickets, their bosses feel they're just not doing their jobs. THEY LOOK FOR YOU ! Well let me rephrase that. They look at meters, Handicapped signs, fire zones, bus stops, corners, and any other place you should not be parking such as on a sidewalk, parked in an opposite direction of the flow of traffic, in someone else's store lot.
     YOU do not want to be towed so all you have to do is, DO THE RIGHT THING!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

LANDS END ReCalls clothing

       I was watching a morning show with Charlie Rose, and a Lands End conversation/topic came up with a lady who is helping to change and improve Lands End.
    A title shows Lands End iconic US Label. I called Lands End when I saw something I liked and asked where the item was made. It was not made in the US. Labels  are deceiving. A product can be processed in the US, packaged, assembled in the US, and still not made here in our country but we pay huge bucks when you can buy the same, almost same product at other stores, big box stores. Lands End was once a part of Sears, or had a connection with Sears. Oh the clothing items recalled ...BABY/CHILDREN PAJAMAS...not what they should have been as in fire proof, resistant etc. I wonder where they came from? How was that discovered?
     Like Subway who when caught said they no longer sold bread for sandwiches with materials used in sneakers, I no longer patronize. FOOL ME ONCE...shame on you...FOOL ME TWICE...shame on me!
    Why are labels so important? DO you really think you're all in high school again where labels matter? Maybe to kids and to the rich, so come down to earth people and make your money work for you. Buy American if you want to pay a little more, support AMERICA, AMERICAN Businesses and that makes your money work as in money smart. But hey wear and buy what you want of course.
     Those very nice looking catalog clothes, bags, shoes, winter jackets as well as summer wear, I see what appears to be the same at BOSCOVS, and still look for American Made Label's that have an A on it which means the item is completely and really made in AMERICA. Happy Support AMERICA spending.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Subway vs. Jimmy Johns & The Kid, York Pa.

       Recently a kid was on an outing with an adult who was taking care of him for  few hours. The man was about to take the little boy to subway to eat and the kid stubbornly said no, that he won't eat at Subway. Well I knew why but if I was the adult I would have said fine, I am eating at Subway and you can watch me. In Part many things are about control.
    But this had more to it. Subway was caught putting the materials used in Nike sneakers in their bread. If they weren't caught would they still be screwing the public? In my opinion, yes. Everyone is sorry when they get caught. But if they had a conscience at all, that never would have happened to put foreign mater in bread knowingly, and having consumers ingest it. So that was the kids real reason.
                     They ended up going to a neighboring pizza place.
Jimmy Johns is my favorite sandwich eatery. Clean, fresh and filling, Jimmy Johns is just all around so much better. They offer a great grain bread which is so tasty, I could just eat the bread. Jimmy Johns offers a wonderful salad type sandwich, delicious, crunchy and leaves me wanting more. They're fast too. Prices are reasonable when you look at the amount of deli meats, lettuce and tomato, spreads if you want such as mayo, all makes a tasty sandwich. I never add mayo. For me, The sandwich is great as I buy it without anything added such as mustard or mayo. Try the number ten on grain bread, fresh daily, an do your self a big favor, stay away from Subway. If they did it once to save money...how in the world do you trust them again? On the next inspection? Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
               Jimmy Johns here I come for lunch today.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Brittany Spears Vocal Fry Voice

       I just heard Brittany Spears talk on ELLEN DeGeneres again today. I don't watch often but put the show on and walked away listening as i came to my computer and heard an into bringing B. Spears on and then she spoke. OH heaven help us. Why does she as well as others who speak with a vocal fry voice thinks they sound better, more important?
        If Anything it's annoying. More young women do it than men. Some guys do it and for either sex, it's called Vocal FRY. That happens when someone intentionally lowers their voice to sound more important and the main piece of this is they think it makes them sound smarter. You're Not smarter, but you are more annoying.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Summer Plans ? Kids, Money, Time and Bills

               How many families realistically expect to go away for a summer vacation? Understanding what your life is about makes you the only person who knows if you can really afford a summer vacation. In a way, It's like Christmas.  You spend so much money on going away and come home to bills and then say, what did I do. Sure you gave your kids a good time, but now you're stuck with credit card bills.
       There are many ways you can show your kids a good time in an inexpensive way at home. But don't break your  financial plan, mess up to pay it all back and next thing you know Christmas is here. Also let your children know summer vacation really means that their job which is school is not in session and that alone is summer vacation time, no getting up at a certain time, no eating at a certain time, no schedules if mom and dad don't want to, unless of course you work and have to bring kids to a sitter.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Fireman Volunteer Child Molester Neighbor Stoverstown Pa.

              When I first saw his face, the charges on face book; quickly my brain went to when I first met him. He came to my house with his son, welcomed me to my new home in the country, told me he was a volunteer fireman and more in the community. A few years ago my Jeep went on fire and he was there and I would see him at Special Olympics with one of his sons and his wife. I remember her as never looking happy. Yes, that stayed with me today wondering, is that why? Because she knew he was a child molester all those years. I also thought of Jerry Sandusky and his wife and then remember a guy in this area who was a High School principal at Vo-Tech. The volunteer fireman is Timothy Stein.
     So many times victims are blamed, stories get twisted, but the wives, they always know. That High School Principal? His wife taught Sunday School and she was a screamer. One day picking my children up early from the upstairs class I heard her scream and never let my kids go back there again. This was the popular family. The man, Jim  Blevins would be in the Choir and when it came time to pray he would look up, all around and yes I did too obviously because there was something I never liked or trusted about him.
            His aunt told me it was true but that the board forgave him, and God forgave him, that the young man who brought charges was a disturbed kid with a history of drug abuse. I wonder why. Well that victim couldn't take it anymore and I went to his lawyer with what I was told by the aunt, ready to go to court. The victim however was now being disgraced by this wonderful church, Shrewsbury Assembly of God. His aunt later told me I would probably feel better in a  small church, Sure, gotcha, sweep it under the rug again. Keep the perverts in the church. Let him continue to molest. Yet The school would no longer have anything to do with him as there were other victims.Sometimes, many times, in big churches, families who are well known have "positions". They hide, cover up, take part in, are just as guilty, deny and pious. They think-who are you to question us? You are Gods child, that who!
     All of this and more came flooding back. Why do the wives protect these "men"? Is it money, property, the family, going out to work, a lifestyle?
      PROTECT your children ! I'm sure you so, but protect them more. Ask questions, a lot of questions and teach your kids to tell, tell the hell out of it if anyone, anyone at all touches them, asks to keep secrets, asks them not to tell, whispers, threatens them. Whatever you can  think of to keep your child whole, they way they were meant to be, do it. Keep them children, Keep them Whole, keep them lovingly  as pure as you can.