Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Two Hunks Together? Rose & Clooney

      Stated by Gayle King this morning on CBS my favorite morning show that as Charlie Rose and George Clooney (almost forgot Clooneys first name) are "Two Hunks Together" So, what does it take to make a hunk, be a hunk, or simply have HUNK STATUS ?
     Is it just looks? Maybe a perfect body, great teeth and look at a guys hands ! It is his personality and how much money he has or the position in life he holds? Is it his peers? You know what I mean. Can a hunk be a plain looking guy, skinny and all around just fair, but hangs out with the best of the best, as in celebrities, world famous rich?
    Back to George and Charlie. Any faults that we notice? Look at Charlies sad and maybe drooping eyes when he appears so tired he should just go back to bed. Did you see how thick Georges' legs looked in jeans ? His eyes filled with crows feet? But really who cares. To me a hunk is who you love, who will always be there for you and with you, no matter what. IT is the personalities, how well they listen, and are interested in what you say to the point they ask questions back, and it is their hearts, compassion, compassion, empathy, enthusiasm, laughter. Being a hunk is a whole person, and yes Charlie is a hunk to me and okay, so is George. Go love a hunk.

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