Friday, May 22, 2015

Josh Duggar, Family, Perspectives

          Like many it was horrible sad and feeling of being conflicted about this. To me there isn't any excuse for child molesting. People who do this are first cowards as they do it in secret, bullies because they threaten and the worst of the worst when it comes to criminals. They change what should have been a different outcome for a child. Child molesters are usually people we know, fathers, brothers, sometimes an aunt, babysitter, best friends and those in power who we put trust in, Catholic Priests, Lutheran minister, Jewish Rabbi's School coaches and counselors. I worked in mental health and in a group home there was a teen who was confused by another female who was bi sexual and trying hard to get this very pretty and innocent teen to go her way.
      She confided this in a counselor at a mental health agency who ended up taking advantage of this young girl. It wasn't long before her confusion in her Catholic faith and her family telling her how sinful it was, that she took  a gun and killed herself.
     Now we have a young man who when he was a teen took advantage and molested his sisters. The family thought they took care of it by doing what was right. They went to the law !!!  WHO does that in families?   Mine sure didn't. They swept the garbage under the rug and because of the nasty family secrets that mothers keep, how many other kids are molested? YOU can't keep an eye on two kids all the time, never mind nineteen. But then the parents took them to counseling-again did what was right !!! Creating a paper trail, they believed helped heal all the children. So now the whole fairly is punished because of what one boy did, a boy. I am not excusing this at all. Kids experiment with those closest to them, but this is also a problem when parents don't want to openly talk about sex.
    Imagine if they did nothing, for just a few moments. Josh Duggar would continue to do what he did and yes I know-maybe he still is or maybe he will repeat. This is a stain on the family. The whole world knows.  Who is the bastard that leaked it-what were they paid to continue to cause harm to the girls ????
People will look and stare at these girls and wonder "which one was it is it that one?" They will watch to see the effects of long ago, Any wrongs they might do, any misjudgements they may make will be blamed on being molested.
      I hope who ever leaked this is shamed. I hope he or she made enough money that they sleep at night and more than anything, I wonder did that happen to them and is that why they didn't care about the victims in this.?  Let me tell you I am looking at this from a totally different perspective and if it was the father, I would be the first to drop him off in the middle of an ocean, put the needle in his arm,. flip the switch. Those poor girls. Hey just  a thought, recently an old friend stated those who accuse usually do-so to the one who exposed...are you molesting? BTW, I know that isn't all true, but to a small extent it is. Those girls-did you really ever think about them as you collected a big fat check? I doubt it. When people really care, it's never about money.

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