Friday, May 1, 2015

Fireman Volunteer Child Molester Neighbor Stoverstown Pa.

              When I first saw his face, the charges on face book; quickly my brain went to when I first met him. He came to my house with his son, welcomed me to my new home in the country, told me he was a volunteer fireman and more in the community. A few years ago my Jeep went on fire and he was there and I would see him at Special Olympics with one of his sons and his wife. I remember her as never looking happy. Yes, that stayed with me today wondering, is that why? Because she knew he was a child molester all those years. I also thought of Jerry Sandusky and his wife and then remember a guy in this area who was a High School principal at Vo-Tech. The volunteer fireman is Timothy Stein.
     So many times victims are blamed, stories get twisted, but the wives, they always know. That High School Principal? His wife taught Sunday School and she was a screamer. One day picking my children up early from the upstairs class I heard her scream and never let my kids go back there again. This was the popular family. The man, Jim  Blevins would be in the Choir and when it came time to pray he would look up, all around and yes I did too obviously because there was something I never liked or trusted about him.
            His aunt told me it was true but that the board forgave him, and God forgave him, that the young man who brought charges was a disturbed kid with a history of drug abuse. I wonder why. Well that victim couldn't take it anymore and I went to his lawyer with what I was told by the aunt, ready to go to court. The victim however was now being disgraced by this wonderful church, Shrewsbury Assembly of God. His aunt later told me I would probably feel better in a  small church, Sure, gotcha, sweep it under the rug again. Keep the perverts in the church. Let him continue to molest. Yet The school would no longer have anything to do with him as there were other victims.Sometimes, many times, in big churches, families who are well known have "positions". They hide, cover up, take part in, are just as guilty, deny and pious. They think-who are you to question us? You are Gods child, that who!
     All of this and more came flooding back. Why do the wives protect these "men"? Is it money, property, the family, going out to work, a lifestyle?
      PROTECT your children ! I'm sure you so, but protect them more. Ask questions, a lot of questions and teach your kids to tell, tell the hell out of it if anyone, anyone at all touches them, asks to keep secrets, asks them not to tell, whispers, threatens them. Whatever you can  think of to keep your child whole, they way they were meant to be, do it. Keep them children, Keep them Whole, keep them lovingly  as pure as you can.

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