Saturday, May 9, 2015

Siblings, Who WIns The Mothers Day Race

        A couple of days ago I saw a big pinkish lavender envelope in my mailbox at the post office. IT was from my son. Taking it to the car, once inside I opened it and read the nicest words we all love to read. At the bottom he signed his name, love your son Mike, but something near it was scratched out. I didn't pay attention because I didn't have my glasses on and, it was scratched out so what did it matter.
      Every year my son and daughter race to get to me first as far as phone calls. Last year my son called me two days before, saying this is a pre mothers day call, asking, "did Jenny call yet?" I love this silly but funny back and forth love. That's what it is, love.  Then Jenny calls early, so early on Mothers day and yells a happy and in a high voice, "Happy mothers day mom, did Mike call yet?" I think they're close to be tied.
     Then there is father day. Yes, I get fathers' day calls and cards too. I am so loved by my kids, so lucky, so happy that God chose me to have them here on earth-as it will be in Heaven :)
     Well last night, sitting up late I grabbed the card again and read it from Mike. As I neared his signature I looked more closely at what he scratched out, no glasses on but squinting, just couldn't quite make it out. Getting up and sitting at my computer I grabbed my glasses to see what he scratched out. I bust out laughing so hard, I was sure the neighbors heard me. His signature, well he scratched out "Steven". Just a silly thing but so funny and no, it isn't his middle name and no Steven's in the family, but I also always loved that name. So Michael my son, or if you might now be using Steven, Thank you for the hilarious laugh.


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