Thursday, August 27, 2015

More than Gun Control, McVeigh, Jim Jones, Terrorists, Illegals

        Every time we have a murder by gun, people want gun control. Where were they before they were personally touched by this? I know, this sounds cold, but the fact is, this is more than lack of gun control. Our American citizens die by illegal guns, joining cults, Illegal drugs, legal drugs, alcohol, terrorists and now of course and as usual Politicians jump on this and as I saw Hillary Clinton reading from a speech prepared, looking at it sideways, thinking we are stupid and can't tell she is reading off a paper. That's not from the heart !
    Look at our penal system, our whole way of life has to change. We have things that have been happening over and over for years only now it's worse because the population has grown. Our mental health system is only okay. Everyone appears to do what they can. Our education system is failing, yet maybe they too are doing as well as they can with what they have.
    How many of our own citizens have bombed our own citizens and look at the Jim Jones Massacre and that guy, forgot his name who also had a cult school, blew them all up, then the uni bomber and we have crazies out there molesting our kids, people in trust positions. We are living in a sick and crime filled nation and crooked politicians do not care. They have had enough time to show they do, and they haven't shown anything except how to fill their pockets, get more entitlements for themselves and spouses and screw the public.
     Kids want to go to college to better themselves but get out owing many, many thousands of dollars in student loans and in debt with credit cards because the new students books are filled with applications for  , a new credit card. Then they get/receive too much in loans and grants. Kids are kids and all that extra money looks good. IT can be controlled but no, banks and colleges work to get students into debt.
     The next big topic will be whatever tragedy happens and hits the news. When a bunch of boys rape a college girl, that will be the next biggest thing, a group of kids commit suicide by layng on a train track, that's new until, kids are molested at a day care, and then again, drugs will be the next politicians topic of the day.
     So what do we do and how do we fix things? Be really careful in who you vote for and why. As parents, keep your kids close to you as much as possible, and don't chastise them when they open up about awful things they've done, because you've done it too probably, but let it become a way to help. Things always start at home. Know as much as you can who the friends are, what they're like. Learn about Mental Illness, and learn some more. Let friends come over, have snacks, supper, let them gather in the living room, and you just pop in and out. Always let them know you only love, love, love them and will help, help and help some more. Go to them once in a while, ask for their thoughts, make them important too. join a gym together, take art, swim, knit, men and ladies, ask for math help and love them again.
 Well that's good enough for now. Get a good nights sleep.

Dalmation pic ! 2 Pets bags, Small

    Okay, it's my browser, which is why I couldn't load photos, so now one more. The above red zippered bag is 7.50, has a handle, and the one coming up is 5.00, Those cute firehouse dogs

Dalmations, White and RED

   Hi everyone, For some crazy reason I can't load any photos into this blog, maybe my browser, going to try another way. In teh meantime, I just posted two new bags, one looks like a clutch and one looks like a shaving kit type bag, both zippers and pet cute. Thank you :) 

Red Zippered Wrsitlet

     Please check out my items, fair and reasonable. The Red Heart bag is lined and closes with a nice zipper.

Meter Tickets & Towing, Anywhere, Anytime

       Hey People! The holiday weekend is upon us and those meter maids and tow trucks will be out in full force as well as the police. If you break the law you deserve it! I know we all either foreget to put money in the meter as time is up, but don't gripe when you get ticket. While they enjoy it we don't, but it's our own fault for not being on top of watching the time.
     On the show in Philly, Parking Wars shows one woman, meter maid, said she had a quota to meet of 30 tickets a day and was bothered she only handed out 29! She said that was her personal goal. NOW that statement alones shows how much some of those meter maids enjoy ticketing. Hey it keeps them working. Booting is another story. More than THREE outstanding tickets will get your car booted and its not worth it-PAY IT! Don't let fines and fees add up. PAY IT!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Dear Mr. Trump

        I hope you are sincere about running. From day one I thought this was to wake up America which you did, get people excited which you did and trip people up, which you did. Look now at how those who are your opponents are finally showing some guts, not a lot but some. That southern guy now wants to bash your brains in? That's a joke. People are worried about you. They think as I have been told, that you are crazy and will get the United States in big trouble. Are they kidding ? We're already in big trouble!
    Listening to Glen Beck who I never listen to, well he made sense about our money and I finally understood things. Neither am I political, smart enough to have a political argument  but I know that there are many who would love to argue things with me because they do know I can't answer most questions, so my two answers are this: Look at who is running the white house, an almost all Muslin team-and-vote for an individual, not the party.
      I have watched liars in government when I worked in Mental Health, former Gov. Rendell who promised to better MH systems, only to get elected and close down hospitals and have thousands of mentally ill people walk the streets. Greed is the cost of our AMERICAN Failures-in my opinion, GREED!
   I know you know we need so many things changed and every person is not looking at the larger picture but at what will affect them, their children and grandchildren, not the US as a whole. MY son voted for Obama, gave me issues he fought for-I know nothing, can't fight/argue with him as he is intelligent, but would love to hear him with someone his equal. His main issue is Obama care, that because a friend was deeply helped by it, Thar's good enough. I get that passion and would probably feel the same, but now I know better.
    After receiving an e mail about Obama's team, I know this White House that belongs to the AMERICAN people has been tainted by those who walk along side Obama.
   A side note-Hollywood complains about you being a billionaire (Access Hollywood) saying you are buying the Presidency-how stupid was that statement? Did that female forget all of the millions & more Hollywood pours in liberal Democrats to get into office? I guess her hair is so saturated with spray she can't think straight.
To be fair, men feel the same way in Hollywood, Toupee's too tight!
      BY the way, I am the same person who tweeted and blogged about money of yours on the unclaimed property site. A last note, would love a big discount for a two night stay for a friend of mine in Brooklyn who drives a van for special needs kids, but very down on her luck. She should have been able to retire five years ago.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Chaka Fattah & Foster Child

       Some years ago, I was allowed to take a foster child, a male to meet, and visit with rep. Chaka Fattah. Yes, I did see the headlines today on line and so it brought back the visit to his office. I wanted this little boy who is African American to see where his life could go, should he do right, take the education that is out there and maybe one day he too could be in politics. Here's what happened.
   We started off getting a fancy haircut with CF initials cut into his hairline, bought  nice slacks and dress shoes and a dress shirt. It was summertime and we just couldn't find a suit. This kid looked sharp and he was very shy when it came to speaking.
    Well we started off to Washington, excited to meet a representative. I explained what I thought that position was. Close to his office I get a call that the congressman is running late and could we arrive a little later. Sure that was fine. Traffic wasn't moving well anyway and I needed to learn where I was going and where to park.
     Finally, we go to the meeting and are greeted by his assistant, a very pretty woman, terrific personality and his whole office is very welcoming. My little guy who was twelve at the time, just smiled and nodded. This kid also loved football. Mr. Fattah had a football on a credenza that he received form a man in Philly who played on the team one year, think his name was Napolitano? That became a topic of interest between the congressman and the child who sat across from the desk of this well dressed man. Fattah's assistant sat to his right on a sofa taking notes.
    During some talk, the child was asked if he had siblings and yes, he had many,, also in foster care spread out all over . We talked about Education and Mr. Fattah promised the child he would give 100,000. out his his own pocket for his education, if he stayed in school and didn't get in any more trouble. He was asked his birthday, favorite color, football team and a few more questions. His assistant said she would send him a jersey for his birthday.
    Back to family. At that time the congressman called out a young lady who was working on a project that the congressman said was important to him, that siblings see each other more, as my child rarely saw his siblings. Then out comes the secretary with a few questions and mentioning a camera and how my little guys story would be front page for the topic that office was working on. STOP!
    I said nope, sorry. Since he is with children and youth that can't happen. Children who are in care and under the guardianship of C&Y cannot have picture taken in public and stories like they wanted, written up.
Well they all said they understood, asked if we wanted to go to lunch and told us where to go in the building. Heck, I thought at least we'd be treated to lunch, not one dime, coupon or reserved space.
    Aft re lunch we went back to the office and talked a little more but now it was about football, that football, how Fattah got it, all shook hands and said good-bye.
     Tome passes and the child had to leave my care but I stayed in touch with him and found out he never received anything from that office, not even a card for his birthday. I e mailed the secretary, told her how I felt, the promises made about ajersey, questions asked about his birthday and no wonder kids don't trust adults. This is a man he can look up to? These were people to respect? She promised she would send him something if I didn't say anything. I agreed. As a foster mom, life went on, more kids and one day I had a chance to visit that little guy and asked him if he ever got a jersey. No, he said, I got a pen and pad. Nice.
   I have to add, I am still thankful that kid did a meet up with Fattah, as chnaces are he won't see anything negative to dismiss anything positive. That kid no works a lot of hours, plays hard, works hard, so who knows where life will take him? Maybe a pro player, kind of what we have in congress now.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

M. Kelly, H. STERN & her Breasts , Billy Clinton

       All of you whom are upset at Donald Trump for saying what he said and not what you all insinuated he meant, which is a world apart, why don't you read M. Kellys' interview with HOWARD STERN from 2010?
       I like Kelly as an anchor but as someone to interview presidential candidates? She can't compare at all to others ahead of her. In her interview with Stern she answers about what her husband thinks about her breasts, he thinks their killer bees, she joked. and went onto to answer about her husbands penis. She was mad, angry, upset or harmed in any way. Kelly knew exactly what going on/ Stern means, but then we have Donald Trumps response to how she behaved with her questions about his personal life.
    This amazes me. People weren't this angry when Billy Clinton used the white house, our white house as a  place to get a blow job! Priorities? Political sides? What's wrong with this scenario? It's okay about Billy boy, its okay with Stern, but it isn't okay when Trump actually only said something that OTHERS interpreted!
      People, you should decide what offends you, who offends you and be honest about it. If you werent offended about billy boy and oral sex  at the whte house with an intern, and you're not offended that an intelligent news anchor would even entertain the thought of going on Stern, then cut the crap, stop looking for fake excuses about Trump.
    BY the way, has anyone thought maybe Donald Trump doesn't even want the white house, but wants' to wake up AMERICA, and now, now look at what you're waking up to, Kelly. Everyone is finally starting to show emotion and that is thanks to Mr. Trump.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Erick Erickson, OINK YOU.. DEviant who?

      Trump is right again. Only someone with their mind on a females privates, monthly, period would think that is what he meant. Even if that is just what he meant that isn't what he said. So now you are mind readers. Take responsibility for your own thoughts and don't make them someone elses'. now Erick Erickson, you? uninvited TRUMP-You are just looking for some popularity for a particular group, Transgender, Gay, Obese, Woman's alliance ? I don't know what, but it is possible you may run for something in the future, so if you want to run-get in shape because it seems all that you can move is your mouth.
     Now why isn't this party sticking together and saying either nothing or what the reality is, he didn't mean what people like Erick is trans ferring. He meant only what he said, yet people enjoy  twisting hings and the Demo s love it-the LIBERAL's love it! The liberals, like OBama who is part of the biggest problems this country has ever had along with congress, Hillary and billy boy got us in to.
   An added note, although I mention the above groups, I don't have anything against any of those groups, only if Erickson was part of one which would hurt them immensely.
    Has anyone, any feeble minded person ever thought, maybe, just maybe Donald Trump is trying to get people excited? Instead you attack. Finally you are angry, but at what, at who? Not this F'd up government, but Trump, a dentist who killed lion, and causes that yes, we need to be mindful of, but for GODS SAKE, get off your asses and get this lousy congress out with that guy in the white house and BUILD AMERICA up AGAIN!!!

News Anchors reading too much into Trump

     I just read what Trump said to Meghan Kelly or about her bleeding out of everywhere? So it is the people who decide to make it hormonal. He said what he said and that's it. People are putting their own spin on a meaning he may not have meant, so who has the mind of saying he meant it hormonally ? I know he has a mouth and Thank GOD he does, but anchors need to stop twisting the meanings as well as his own party and  of course the opposition. Why not ask Trump exactly what he meant instead of adding your own version? Now I am sure people will take this as I am siding with Trump-no I am on the side of correctness, not PC , ie. the truth. I prefer either him or Ben Carson, or Christie, or....

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Trumps ' First Day in the White House

First Day With Donald

Greetings my American team
we'll rebuild it strong, re-build it mean
bring back the forces armed and strong
always right, no more wrong.

Give back American jobs to all
no more selling over the Chinese wall
The national debt will come back down
because our America is now uptown

We'll learn from the past, far and wide
salute out flag with American Pride
say our prayers where ever we want
and not bow down to those who don't.

We'll stop selling out to the other sides
Raised in America, American Pride
American tags on our clothes
stand up now, young and old

Take back America, no longer fear
terrorists taking over, America will cheer
like Popeye the sailor, he is who he is
and will always fight for American biz.

IN closing I say Hollywood libs
need to join the offices of political biz
instead of collecting big fat checks
for doing little except in a dress.

Oh one more thing I've just heard
Donald was called a bully by Coopers herd
but don't you know or don't you see
 countries have bullied 9/11, on our knees

My final closing I have to say
I wish Donald or Ben will win that day
we need some crazy and power to boot
or lose our country , China pollute.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Having a Grouchy day? Do this...

          Tell everyone and anyone to keep the .................away from you, no noise, no kids, no adults who think they mean well. What is it that people don't understand English? I know their not immigrants, so what is it when someone has to keep pestering you. You want to scream get the F--- away from me, what is it you don't understand about "leave me alone". Do these asses think they'll be getting on your good side? No ya dummy, ya making it worse. I don't care who it is unless it's a kid too young to take care of them selves. In that case set up a bunch of safe play things in a room close by or in front of you and let them play. You can half nap or just do what you need to do without all of those over eight bothering you. The adults are worse.
    With them it's, well can I get you anything? Do you need a doctor, how about coffee? Maybe I can make something to eat. Maybe I'm think you can make yourself disappear! So listen when someone says, I just want to be left alone !