Friday, February 27, 2015

Barry Williams Daughter & Only 60?

       Who knows what is true and not true as we hear it in the news, U-tube and plain old media?  Look at  a huffington post u tube interview about Barry Williams. He is not that cute kid actor and for him to have a show! One in Branson ! He isn't a singer. Well okay I guess he can sing,, well carry a tune, but not like the celebrities we know and certainly not worth my dime. He was also insulting about Hollywood people in L.A.-he was one of them!!!!
      He seems to have a huge ego talking about his shows, yet not many SHOWED up to see him. He looks older than sixty, so are people coming just to see how he looks from that very cute kid he was fifty years ago? He now has a group backing him up to make him sound better. Even with an age comparison, Tom Jones he ain't.
        Now along comes an ex-girlfriend with a baby, Barry Williams daughter. He isn't denying she's his daughter, so what's the problem. Barry states she won't let him see his daughter. WHAT a bunch of lies! How do I know? He has money and we all know with actors and anyone with money  have a much easier time getting into court, getting a high priced lawyer and having regular visits. He is now just an old man whose baby cramps his ego style, of which he has no more.
        Sure lots of women looking for money will cozy up to him, but because he has money and now that his ex girlfriend put it out there that he has part of a 116 million dollar women will crawl through the woodwork to stroke his ego.
    Barry Williams, time to really stand up, like man who has a child and fully support her, not just with money but time. Get your flat old man ass to see her, and remember, as the movie goes, their just not that into you. Mirrors don't lie. Your daughter will always be there for you, Hollywood & Branson won't, after all
Clark Gable you're not.

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