Wednesday, February 11, 2015


       Good Morning Power ball players.. So ya think you'll win? Me too, well maybe. Well think about the changes . Oh you didn't know, me either. Just talk going around about how Powerball should, cloud change so there is a winner every day for only a million bucks, and that does make sense. After all how much money does someone need? All about greed, isn't it?

      SO imagine this, if no one wins power ball, the power ball does NOT ROLL OVER, but then is donated by the state to  four charities, which means you can deduct your lottery tickets, only power ball during tax time. The state donates a million a day when no one wins, to for example, st. Jude's Children's hospital, Cancer Research, Heart Disease, Hospitals in a fund to help pay  lower income bills. If powerball collects more than a million dollars in winning, of course they have to pay their own expenses, but the over amount also goes to charities such as help paying prescription expenses for people with low incomes etc.
   It can be done. We are a greedy nation, so about time to stop, and I am not saying everyone is greedy after all look at how we come together to help people? But do we really need, 485 million?
What would you do with all that money? Laughing I know, you'd say, have a good time? but there are churches, neighbors, kids, hospitals, charities, towns and so much more that would benefit for this money, so if you're the winner, make it work for many.

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