Thursday, February 26, 2015

PHd. Vs. DR. Titles & REAL DOCTORs

       Why should a person be allowed to call them selves Dr. John Smith or Dr. Mary Smith for example ? I have a problem with that. It's misleading and an ego trip, although legal. Maybe colleges just figured a way to get more money and ow those with phd's do also.
       When people get a PHD they are assumed to be more of an expert in a specific field, but not the medical field. There is also a world of difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist yet going into certain offices, both are addressed as Dr's. doctors. Having a doctorate degree does not make you a doctor, only makes you someone who  has a doctorate.
    How did the word "doctor" become so loose? Doctors, real doctors go to medical school for many more years than those who receive a doctorate of a certain profession, like ENGLISH. See The difference ? There isn't a law that states you have t address someone with a PhD as DR. So let start a change.  Now, let show real doctors they deserve the respect of there years of medical work by not calling those with a PhD, doctor.
   Is there a doctor in the house? A Real doctor?

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