Friday, February 27, 2015

Barry Williams Daughter & Only 60?

       Who knows what is true and not true as we hear it in the news, U-tube and plain old media?  Look at  a huffington post u tube interview about Barry Williams. He is not that cute kid actor and for him to have a show! One in Branson ! He isn't a singer. Well okay I guess he can sing,, well carry a tune, but not like the celebrities we know and certainly not worth my dime. He was also insulting about Hollywood people in L.A.-he was one of them!!!!
      He seems to have a huge ego talking about his shows, yet not many SHOWED up to see him. He looks older than sixty, so are people coming just to see how he looks from that very cute kid he was fifty years ago? He now has a group backing him up to make him sound better. Even with an age comparison, Tom Jones he ain't.
        Now along comes an ex-girlfriend with a baby, Barry Williams daughter. He isn't denying she's his daughter, so what's the problem. Barry states she won't let him see his daughter. WHAT a bunch of lies! How do I know? He has money and we all know with actors and anyone with money  have a much easier time getting into court, getting a high priced lawyer and having regular visits. He is now just an old man whose baby cramps his ego style, of which he has no more.
        Sure lots of women looking for money will cozy up to him, but because he has money and now that his ex girlfriend put it out there that he has part of a 116 million dollar women will crawl through the woodwork to stroke his ego.
    Barry Williams, time to really stand up, like man who has a child and fully support her, not just with money but time. Get your flat old man ass to see her, and remember, as the movie goes, their just not that into you. Mirrors don't lie. Your daughter will always be there for you, Hollywood & Branson won't, after all
Clark Gable you're not.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

PHd. Vs. DR. Titles & REAL DOCTORs

       Why should a person be allowed to call them selves Dr. John Smith or Dr. Mary Smith for example ? I have a problem with that. It's misleading and an ego trip, although legal. Maybe colleges just figured a way to get more money and ow those with phd's do also.
       When people get a PHD they are assumed to be more of an expert in a specific field, but not the medical field. There is also a world of difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist yet going into certain offices, both are addressed as Dr's. doctors. Having a doctorate degree does not make you a doctor, only makes you someone who  has a doctorate.
    How did the word "doctor" become so loose? Doctors, real doctors go to medical school for many more years than those who receive a doctorate of a certain profession, like ENGLISH. See The difference ? There isn't a law that states you have t address someone with a PhD as DR. So let start a change.  Now, let show real doctors they deserve the respect of there years of medical work by not calling those with a PhD, doctor.
   Is there a doctor in the house? A Real doctor?

Friday, February 20, 2015

Guiliani, Obama Comments, RIGHT-ON

    I just heard Malcolm -x's daughter on TV this morning, well only a tid bit and I just forgot where I was going with this-lol-so anyway lets say Malcolm -x was a BLACK MAN, Martin Luther King was a BLACK MAN-
     OBAMA is BI-RACIAL-so when people who are of African American heritage and clam OBAMA as the First Black President-aha! This is where I was going about MalcolmX-his daughter said she knew one day they would have a black president and hoped Malcolm would see that. IF he lived he still would not have seen that as this president has black skin color, but IS BI RACIAL. His name has been changed also, maybe to feel like he is more a part of the Black culture, and hey, that's fine, great and all that. We all I think prefer one part of our heritage than another, notice my name. Norwegian comes first.
     But people, all over, everywhere know the fact  and the fact is he is the first BI-RACIAL president. Lets vote for Ben Carson, Larry Eldridge, MEN like them.
    Stay warm :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


       Good Morning Power ball players.. So ya think you'll win? Me too, well maybe. Well think about the changes . Oh you didn't know, me either. Just talk going around about how Powerball should, cloud change so there is a winner every day for only a million bucks, and that does make sense. After all how much money does someone need? All about greed, isn't it?

      SO imagine this, if no one wins power ball, the power ball does NOT ROLL OVER, but then is donated by the state to  four charities, which means you can deduct your lottery tickets, only power ball during tax time. The state donates a million a day when no one wins, to for example, st. Jude's Children's hospital, Cancer Research, Heart Disease, Hospitals in a fund to help pay  lower income bills. If powerball collects more than a million dollars in winning, of course they have to pay their own expenses, but the over amount also goes to charities such as help paying prescription expenses for people with low incomes etc.
   It can be done. We are a greedy nation, so about time to stop, and I am not saying everyone is greedy after all look at how we come together to help people? But do we really need, 485 million?
What would you do with all that money? Laughing I know, you'd say, have a good time? but there are churches, neighbors, kids, hospitals, charities, towns and so much more that would benefit for this money, so if you're the winner, make it work for many.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

FEEL Good Mattresses BECAUSE....

       I wanted to pass along some information to help you when you purchase a new mattress set. This past summer I had company coming to town and was on a limited budget. So I saw all of the ads and went to "that place". That discount furniture store, Mattress King. As I walked around it looked more and more like a rental place. You know, they all have that same cheap look, but they all have a purpose and they know it.
      Right away the clerk assumed I wanted a 69. dollar set, took me to the back an I asked, don't you have anything better. Oh sure, up front. Well the beds I wanted they couldn't order. The beds I wanted next she could get and deliver in time. BUT I lay down and they felt so good. you know WHY? Because mine felt so not good.
     When we are used to sleeping on our old beds, its an HONEST MISTAKE to think the new bed FEELS good. You are using EMOTIONS, and not common sense. I knew what I really wanted to buy, a Beautyrest. Many hotels carry beauty rest and I checked at one when I was in NY some years ago with my son. I slept so, so good and the next morning picked up the mattress and there it was, my favorite brand, BEAUTYREST-now these mattresses were already old and well used but I still had a great nights sleep.
    Please save, save , and save some more to get what is REALLY good for you, your back and your sleep, after all, how long will you have it. Make your money work. I am now looking for a new Beautyrest for myself. By the way, the two eds I bought? In the store felt fine, but after sleeping two nights myself on them, way to soft. Seems they soften up quickly and, the box-spring sounds like its breaking apart! I just bought these in OCTOBER.
                                       STAY AWAY from "those discount stores and SAVE for a high quality mattress. Things have improved a lot for me and I've learned not to settle but do without until I can buy what's better and what best, a BEAUTYREST...I can't wait! Remember most mattresses FEEL good because your own doesn't. So you are letting emotions get in the way, instead of your back, your money and quality. I don't work for Beautyrest, but am retired and places like Boscovs carry Beautyrest and have law-a way, as do many. Good night, sleep tight and make it right, with a BEAUTYREST !

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Chevy Silverado

My Chevy Silverado

Sitting in my drive way, 
music on a country station
pretty blue shines in the day 
my Chevy is my play thing
But I know I can use it
for everything I need
buying and selling furniture
and groceries in deed

Helping people out
any time they need
My Chevy Silverado
is all they need to see
Comfy seats finally
I can sit on high
my back is now situated
as I relax and drive
No more stooping down to bend
inside my old car
no more traveling back aches
With My Chevy I'll ride far

But now I have to tell the truth 
because you all don't know
The Chevy Silverado
is just a dream I have and so...
I pray there will come a day
when I can afford to buy
but I'm just an old woman
who for Chevy I'm gonna cry.
Nancy Costa

Monday, February 2, 2015

IEP ? Educational INFO., Parents in PA.

     Wish I knew this to be all over America but if I found this in PA. you can find things just like it in your state.
   First I'll start by telling you who to contact in Pennsylvania for educational help. PEAL center for Education. That is a parents advocate group and so far have helped me with many things. Check out their pages and you will see a load of help and better yet-they reply to you!
   Second is PATTAN. I didn't find that but someone in my team (I'm a foster mom) did. Pattan is more about legal rights and laws.

Now here's the issues. Have you heard of ESY? Home bound? Well in the last few months I have. I knew about home bound but not like what I was given. I was told to drive my child to school for an hour, after school hours. Why because the teacher they found teaches during the day. This is Spring Grove school district. So I did drive him one day and the next day it stopped, personal, but with another situation ongoing I have learned the school has to provide transportation for that hour since they were the one to place him on home bound.
ESY, means Extended school year, and again I was told, but we don't have that, we don't have summer school. I was asking about ESY so the answer came as something I didn't know how to accept. I have now learned differently. If a child has in his or her IEP to attend ESY the school has to provide it, summer school bull crap or not. The IEP is the key for ESY. If your child is so far behind in grades, maybe you could have them  receive a psychological exam, get an IEP and have the school teach instead of pushing kids through grades because they don't want to bother=no child left behind, so a kid gets out of 12th grade only knowing about fifth grade academics, won't be a candidate for a vocational school so where will he or she end up? JAIL
                 You see we think, oh well we don't know what else to do, the school said.....and that's the problem. We have to fact check & confront. Your Child's future is at steak!!! Give your child a better chance. Just because he or she is not a start athlete or academic genius does not mean they don't deserve a fair opportunity-it means they deserve a different opportunity to fit who they are! Damn I'm mad. Get angry, search, find and apply.

Sunday, February 1, 2015


   Okay, For whatever reason my image will not load-this is a blogger prob. And it was soo good, sorry
AHA   so I just tried   to upload from a laptop and it works, so now I have to see how to get new pics into this laptop,  By the way this set is for sale at

  It's been years since I had a taste of Yuban coffee. More recently I quit coffee, almost completely, but knew it was because of how much I would drink as a habit. Staying home all day, seems to be we do things as a habit and we know moderation is always the key.
       Before quitting I always bought Maxwell house which is what I was raised on. But I never had that feeling of, Ohhhh this tastes soooo very good. I don't use sugar unless I'm out and I know, doesn't make any sense.
      Well yesterday at the grocery store I had coffee on my list as I was spending too much buying a cup or two a day at the local convenience store. Rutters coffee is delicious beyond the ahh factor. So there I stood, grabbed Maxwell House, and then remembered this guy. This guy came into a group home where I worked years ago, pack, pack and a can of coffee in hand. So I asked him, doesn't that fit in your bag. He told me it was an emergency, that he forgot his coffee and ran to a store close by, that he wouldn't and couldn't work a full weekend without his YUBAN.
      I put Maxwell House back and grabbed a can of YUBAN. First thing this morning after it was done, I did a big ahhhhhh. What difference in Coffee flavor! I also realize I am sticking to two cups in the morning, maybe another later in teh day, but will take the rest of the pot and keep in teh fridge, so now tomorrow I'll have ice coffee with Silk ALMOND Milk. It will taste just like store bought cold coffee_I did that before. A bottle of store bought ice coffee is about 2.69. At home it's five cents, approximately.
    SO try a can of YUBAN, but Silk Almond milk and you'll be set for that ahhhh feeling.