Friday, July 13, 2018

Boy Scouts Pushes, Boy Dies from Heat Stroke

       As I sat and listened to this heart wrenching story of a boy who died, parents crushed because of a senseless, didn't need to happen, never should have happened, losing their son from heat stroke. But it was just heat stroke. This young boy was supposed to be on a certain trail for beginners and he just learned how to backpack. He wasn't physically fit to be on another trail where he was and climbed/hiked about three miles. At the top of the climb he kept grabbing water, knowing something was wrong. He had heat stroke!
         The parents were called and drove to the site as fast as they could. IT was too late. He died and the boy scouts gave him the badge he earned. This piece to me was an insult. I heard this story on The Doctors tonight and one of the doctors stated, but he did get his badge and this is a good organization. She wanted also to make sure people knew there is a wrongful death suit against The Boy Scouts. WHY? What was her purpose in doing that, saying that first, what?
      Damn right there should be a lawsuit! Wow, so great he earned a badge! IT wasn't worth it. Who Put that boy on the risky trail. The temperature was one point away from, too hot to hike, yet the hike went n putting all those kids at risk. WHY???
              Heat stroke happens to anyone anywhere at anytime. Mowing the lawn which brought me back to my daughter years ago. She wanted to mow and my son washed dishes. It was what they wanted. She convinced me she was fine, it wasn't that hot out. For me, any summer day is too hot. She used a push mower and it wasn't long before she came in face flushed, laying flat out on the floor. That ended mowing on too hot days. IT was only grass after all, and not too long after I hired a kid who had a riding mower. Thank God she was okay.
     Kids who play football now practice at night. Why? It's still too hot. Find indoor arenas to play. Better yet, dump these summer sports that bring on so many head injuries and heat strokes, and heart attacks. You need your child and your children need you. No matter how much they beg, love wins out. Don't let them talk you into this stuff where other adults who want to look good are n charge of your kids, make these life and DEATH decisions.
     Sure many of you are thinking I'm over reacting. But these are kids, KIDS!  You're in control, PROTECT them, love them, keep them safe, as safe as you can.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

First Foster Child(adult) Found-But Again....

       A few days ago my daughter found the first foster son who I've been searching for, for such a long time. He actually has, had five accounts on FB. I'm not sure where or how to begin with what I felt when I saw some of his life, what he's joined and the tragedy that hit him hard. He had a baby girl who died and I'm not sure how long after birth as he had a picture of her as a newborn sitting on a table with candles, as a memory of passing on.
        He now has a son about four or five years old and I did see on yet another FB account a daughter about three, Those children are beautiful and the boy looks like C.B.'s twin. But he, he is lost in a world that I can only imagine.
         C is part of  a group, that some may call a cult. I see it as a group of young men and some women, not many who are lost, feel they don't belong to the average society or any society except the one there in. This is what happens when kids feel like they no longer matter. They seek to matter, no matter how. They want to be counted, loved, mattered and have a feeling of being needed. 
           I never would have recognized him if I didn't study his face, as well as looking at his other pages. There is one picture where he is sitting and he states' I feel like I'm going crazy. Deeply sad of course. As I look on his Fb pages I don't see any family connections and then I saw a photo of his sister who lives out of state. Both C and his sister who was a baby at the time and an older brother were all in foster care.
     His brother was a few years older and lived with a family who treated him more like a servant than a child. When I met him along with the father and baby sister, he said he was just going to take it until he was old enough to graduate and get out. He did complain to his caseworker who told him, all kids have chores. I believe that. It's easier than confronting a foster parent who's obnoxious and moving a child. The boy didn't want to move. He liked his school and was involved in football, had friends.
       Well as rough and sad as my first foster son looks, I am still trying to find him, hoping to just talk, learn what happened in between. It's always the in between and what happens prior to foster care that counts.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Congressman/Women, Glorified Welfare

       Everyone is aware of the cycle of welfare with many families. I'm not writing about those in serious need. Isn't the cycle of our congress the same? Do those on welfare work ? Some do under the table because of need to supplement their needs, just like congress who sleep during sessions. They're supplementing their needs. Have you ever watched a law take effect? Have you read what is supped to be read to make a law?  I have. I've done that with a foster son.
      I took him to visit a congressman from Philadelphia with an appointment. We were expected. I bought this child a new suit, shoes, took him to a barber and had the congressman's initials carved into the side, shaved into the side of his hair. This was an African American congressman as was the child who was thirteen.  I was looking for a role model. But what I found was a man who ended up by saying basically, I can't use him because you said I can't use his picture. If a child is with Children and youth, their photo cannot be used for publicity. That congressman has since been arrested.
        Back to GLORIFIED Welfare and Congress. They call it term limits. I call is a cycle of abuse!
They collect without little giving back. They take and take and take, long after they retire or resign. They're families receive benefits ! When will it stop ? It won't. Like Welfare, until someone puts a stop to it, this is what we get.
       Both receivers are like a team and both want more, never satisfied to the entitlements they get and they always want more. This is why congress has a heart for Welfare. They understand very well the cycle of accepting freebies.
      Many won't read this or even care but those who do and want to do something need to vote out every freeloading congressman and woman and start fresh. Yes, I know there are a few good people working for the US, but so what ! Don't give them a chance to become welfare accepting in congress. Vote new people in who will work for what they get and if we don't see changes in their two years, out they go! Don't take any BS like well it takes more than two years for change!  IT doesn't and you know it. How soon does it take for them to vote raises in for themselves? A few weeks?
      Remember this is only the high end of Welfare Glorified ! They have all of the they want, need, and so much more. They don't wait to see a doctor, kids go to the best schools, drive great cars, live in fine homes, have maids, wear fancy eyeglasses-no I'm not being petty but realistic. They don't save for a vacation, stay in cheap motels, have to do without a/c or heating. Their dental needs are easily met, not waiting for  a dentist who might see them if they have enough money or insurance. If their car breaks down, they fix it. It doesn't sit until they can afford. These people are the WEALTHY WELFARE-The CYCLE of using and abusing the system they set up for themselves ! Vote them all out!

Elvis and More 10.$    On this day of relaxing, unless you're the one doing the prep work and clean-up, please check out my etsy shop. I'd like to add new items by the beginning of Fall. I am going back into the shop to add items that have expired and change the prices to a lower price as my goal is to empty, close up and re-open by October. Well I don't have a photo of the Elvis potholders on this hard drive but it is shown in my etsy shop for ten dollars, made with heat resistant padding.
Thank You

Monday, July 2, 2018

Do You Know Him? CB Where are you ?

 As I write today I see a box above blinking "link" and thinking about the little boy in this picture , well he was my link. A link to many years of foster care. His initials are CB and he has a brother Dennis and a younger sister who is now abut seventeen His father's name is Scott.  I have a lot to thank him for as my first foster child. This is our story if you've read abut him on my blog.  We shared so much and he taught me a lot. Because of him I was able to continue taking chances with kids that some people refused to have in their homes.
I remember a visit we had with his dad who was a soft spoken man who wore a beard, well trimmed, reddish brown hair. He brought this little guy a remote control car. dad remember. We told the father how I picked him up from where he was, how most of his things were stolen and that he left with a huge see though plastic bag filled with water and urine, few clothes, a winter coat that was about five sizes too big, odd socks and a few ripped shirts. Yes, thank you staff. I say staff because they were to check his list of clothing by inspecting what he was leaving with.
        As we emptied things out o the living room floor, he just shrugged his shoulders, the palms of his hands pointing toward the ceiling saying over and over, That's not mine. Then he told me about his toys, mainly a remote car his dad made sure he had at that place and a radio. No they weren't in the bag. I asked him to help me just dump it all out in the trash and that we were going out. For this first shopping trip, I knew w K mart would have to do. I could get him everything he needed and some of what he wanted. He was so happy, picking out clothes, hygiene products and sneakers.
Then it was out to lunch/supper. Before we went in he asked, can I get dessert? Sure, you can even get it before supper. He looked at me like I was nuts, but I've done that myself so once won't hurt.
Oh, although he had red hair, his brother did too but it was turning a deeper reddish brown.
        After we ate, we went home, talked a little about rules and his family and mine. He was anxious to meet my family and we did. But that day he met up again with his father and his new remote car, he was in heaven, like he was home again. I liked his dad. He had a look of "I'm sorry" on his face . Learning more about how little guy came to be with me, it didn't have anything to do with this childs behavior but mistakes the parents made.
        Here is where  I learned what people think, well some anyway. In my experiences neighbors right away felt foster kids are bad, that they have to be to be in foster care. Personally my experiences have shown its the parents more than the kids, but many kids end up with sever behavioral problems because they were put in care. Some do have behavioral or medical problems, psychiatric, that parents can't face or handle, so, foster care.
       In closing, I'm hoping someone this little guy now about twenty-five, and mostly I hoe he is well and doing great with his own family.