Friday, January 24, 2014

Spring Grove Gardens Pa.

    We are so close to Spring time and planting new and fresh gardens so why are our schools not being utilized to benefit all of the communities which pay taxes ? Spring Grove schools has let their buildings be used for Church services, which mean it benefits the community, yet when it comes to prayer in school, separation of church and state, their are issues so why not really benefit a whole community ?
   Plant and pray if you want at the same time. I am not at all against a church using the school, as a matter of fact it's great so why not spread the word nutritionally too ? We live in a world whee we have so many people in need, people who take all the time, kids, so many in trouble. River Rock is a building in the Spring Grove school district in Spring Grove PA.
   There are also many kids in school who are on probation. Why not take those kids and really put them to work and learn at the same time ? Give credit where it is earned ! We have meals on wheels so take some of the fresh area gardens growth and spread it to the elderly and sickly.
   Again I love the church and people who do use the school but, yes, always a but  as I have been told who will mind the store in summer when school isn't in session? Oh and there's insurance too. Well if insurance is a problem, then there should be gates up so no one can walk through the school grounds, and they have tennis classes on the grounds too. I also see people walking through the grounds during the day when I go to pick a child up.
   Come on Spring Grove. You are educators ! Why is it you haven't figured out a way to have Spring Grove Gardens with all of that tax payer property? There are many retirees who would love to meet in the" Gardens of Spring Grove High". Now doesn't that sound nice ?
  What about the" Intermediate Garden" ? That could be for beginners with hands on helpers, small children with mom mentors, or dad mentors. Remember the phrase, put on your thinking caps. COME ON PLANNERS, EDUCATORS, PEOPLE IN CHARGE... look past the hours that school is in traditionally. Life is a learning experience, so let other learn and go out into the world as they grow and are able to say, when I was a kid, my school had a garden almost all year long and we learned how to plant, to nurture, cultivate, weed out, and we ate, played, delivered and were as one real community.
   Look ahead now so children can look back later and say...I really loved that school !
         In closing remember, Gardening is for every age, every level, everyone's brain. It doesn't limit or discriminate, but it does leave people happy. Church Gardens anyone ?

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