Friday, January 3, 2014

Small boy Shovels Large Driveway

      This is a pint-sized child who without any qualms when asked, in the cold air simply dressed warm, grabbed a shovel and out he went. I went out too to clear my car and watch to see how he would do with directions. Well snow went in and out like little mole hills. The shovel was easily twice his size. But I let him alone for a while until I noticed him stopping, looking around and seeing me asking how he was doing. It was at that point I joined him.
      With continued direction he continued to work. No complaints. no questions like many would do as in, hey why isn't the other kid helping...none of that. Two different people, two different values. He wouldn't grab that concept so I just said, let's just get this done so we can go out tomorrow, and he will be well rewarded. I never told him I would pay him to do the driveway as I wanted first to see if he has a work ethic at his very young emotional age and indeed he does.
      SO knowing he was going at it as best as he could I gave him a price, then seeing all of the hills knew I had to redo it, so explaining a CUT In PAY, he was okay with that too.
       Little guy, you're a big man ! Thank you

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