Saturday, January 11, 2014

Crafty Gemini-Best Ever Teacher

       Are you someone who has a difficult problem with learning unless you see it face to face, hands on etc. ? I am for sure and if its sewing anything specific, check out the crafty Gemini. I have finally learned after hundreds of searches and videos, how to put a zipper in the right way.
    This young mom, with a small child, lives on a farm in Fla. teaches sewing and better than anyone i know. She doesn't rush and she explains so clearly that I honestly feel anyone can learn from her. Patience is her middle name. I am thankful and now can't wait to start once kids are back in school. I don't want interruptions when I make my new better and improved merchandise.
   Please see her site. She has patterns, pictures, videos and sells and makes quilts personalized.
Look up The Crafty Gemini.

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