Friday, January 10, 2014

Real Failure of Educations Systems

     How many Alternative schools are there in the United States? I only know too many but what I don't know is why.
    Personally I feel we have to change things. Does anyone know the success of these schools and at the end, are these kids getting a diploma for an alternative school, but won't get them into a well paying job? Here's why. Most of the kids in alternative schools are either special ed students or kids with behavioral problems and I don't know the stats concerned with kids returning to the traditional school system.
   I met a local High school teacher the other day and he too felt schools are wrong to get rid of wood shop, not the kind where a kid gets an hour a week but can make a career out of it and in return built more sports programs and that many parents loved the sports programs-BUT WHY IS THAT? Do they think their child will be a wealthy player in turn making them better off? If not why is it the parents aren't more concerned with a right education to prepare for a future-no wonder kids are moving back home!

    We need to do what's best for the whole, not just one slice of pie. Instead of alternative schools why not within traditional school have vocational education so kids who aren't meant to be A students, academic stars, doctors, business people, writers, movie stars,  and well, you get my drift.
Make these schools a union of academics and vocational careers. Offer Carpentry, Electrician shop,sewing shop, culinary shop/arts, creative design, Plumbing Repair, Auto mechanics and more.
   Now schools will say, whine whine, we can't afford it-oh no way-but they built  anew football stadium, a new High School, added more staff to the Alternative school, added a new program for younger students to an alternative school which previously was only for middle school and high school students.
    Do you see what happening? Younger and younger kids are in trouble but watch then at home when they play with Lego's. They are content, as with art, sewing, make believe cooking and much more=HANDS ON EDUCATION!!!

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