Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Forge Hardware Spring Grove, Pa.

       This is a small hardware store with a" big supply of good". What is a big supply of good? Well it has to do with down to earth people, old fashioned values, a sense of humor and always willing to help out. That's always my experience at Forge Hardware.
      Tonight wasn't the first time I've stopped in and it wasn't the first time I've observed the people who own and run this hardware store. A firm believer in personal shopping attention, you definitely get it there. Smaller stores, stores owned by local business people is the best way to shop. Now here is a comparison:

     First I apologize because this is about Walmart and I detest Walmart.  A few weeks ago a boy broke his glasses and due to issues I can't go into here I ended up taking him to Walmart at the vision center which I just found out tonight is not part of Walmart, but they are just as bad.
      Early in the day I called to track an order, a sewing machine I ordered and I am so sorry I did. I was put through seven phone calls before I had to speak with a manager . All I wanted to know was, did the sewing machine arrive ? I also had a gift to return, but didn't have the receipt- I was given a credit for merchandise.  NO, they were not making me come back. I gave it away to an old woman who was so thankful. She is trapped. But with each step I became more and more intolerant of this giant overseas junk store. A paper needed to be filled out by the vision center.. They acted like they never saw any such piece of paper. All I needed was what was the boys prescription was and when his glasses were completed. So what did they do? One woman took it to the back while a guy took the paper and stood reading and reading and reading. Finally I blew.
      Excuse me I stated loudly, can you fill it out or are you just going to pass it around? You see, after being on the phone with a woman named Rose who could only say, not a problem which it sure freakin was to me, I was ready to punch someone in the face. Not Rose, she was trying, but no one, no one would answer the phone in the Photo dept. where I was told my sewing machine was, which had arrived. Oh I did get the manager, Sean on the phone-he too disconnected me as with six previous calls.
     By now you understand why you first-should never go to Walmart
                                                        second never go to Walmart
                                           and third, beat yourself up if you go to Walmart
 Walmart has destroyed the  family stores, the community stores, the experience of personal helping and attention, but mainly the connection between small stores in America and American buyers, the consumers.
We are America but every day you shop at Walmart you are becoming a citizen of another country.
   Remain an American and shop at your local hardware store like Forge Hardware, like local markets with fresh produce, organic produce where people actually speak to you like a person , not as if your just another dollar. Buy from craftspeople,ask questions of those you know and don't know. When you need help, who do you turn to? Local communities help one another-keep buying at Walmart and distance your selves from America with each purchase. I will never, ever step foot inside another Walmart store, ever!!!
    Pay more? Sure, but every cent you spend locally is used locally, by neighbors, by Americans and yes I know, too much is made overseas, then get off your asses and vote and change back to the America we once had. Stop complaining unless you're willing to vote and make that change happen.
    Forge Hardware, thank you for the personal attention, the greeting when I walk in, asking me if you could carry my package to the car although it was small, letting me know you could order something else I needed and  taking time and patience with not just myself but with any kid I happen to have with me.  This is always a lesson for a child too, to know, to understand, to grasp that buying from a small American business person is supporting America and supporting our own communities. 

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