Friday, August 30, 2013


   What does WIE stand for ?
  1.     Wrong-they know they are wrong but refuse to be graceful about it so why not yell=stupidity
  2.     Insecure-about most things. Although they will huff and puff and say that's BS, so why do they remain in a same low paying job when obviously according to them they can do anything, or stay with someone who pulls them down, can't save, maybe depressed too, blame others and of course will tell you how much better their siblings were treated so others only have one perspective. The truth be known, that insecure person has probably cost so much angst in families or has addictions also leading to low self-esteem.  Always easy to blame others.Whew. This insecurity is something.
  3. Embarrassed-   Embarrassed because they know they are wrong, that the other person is right and that the YELLER only has correct information about things that no one else is interested in any more because they have heard the YEllER repeat all of that useless knowledge over and over again to let people know they have some smarts. They have also become boring but friends and some family listen because they are friends and do love them. Maybe they even have some shame,guilt and fear too. Why? Because of the limited ability they have to succeed or think they are limited. People don't try because they are afraid of failure. If you don't try no one can say, you failed. But indeed you did, because you just wouldn't try. Success is a bitch-you have to put yourself out there.

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