Monday, August 5, 2013

Lollipop People & the Great Neighborhood Book

    Someone sent me an e mail letting me know about a book titled, The Great Neighborhood  and I thought I'd like to see it just to copy city landscapes to paint, so I looked it up. Lo and behold as "they" say, I was amazed by the amount of do gooders' books in such a way that is easy for us all to do and become more involved in our neighborhoods.
    There are some examples and situations that only fit neighborhoods that appear city or suburban-like. But when I came across Lollipop people, I was immediately attracted to the title and then read the topic. Not at all what I expected; this is about crossing guards. As taxes go up city employees go down and then it's up to those who live where they do to replace what's missing.
    What would it take for a few adults to act as crossing guards? Yeah, yeah, yeah I know;You are worried about responsibility. Well if we can't be responsible what is it we are teaching our kids? Now grab a neon red, orange or yellow belt and get out there. Grab some stay at home parents and take them with you. Make it safe and make it happen.
   We also need safe houses for kids, so they are no longer coming home to an empty house. The world is so over populated at this time, the phrase," latch-key  kid" just shouldn't be. When I first moved to where I live now, I used to see signs in windows that showed a child could come there after school. Yes, I understand the safety concerns which is why clearances are needed and people who know people are needed. It can work. I would do it. We should have more latch-on kids as in breast feeding, not latch-key.
   PLEASE TWEET this to as many as you can and add to your Fb page. We need the real meaning of neighbors back in neighborhood.

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