Sunday, August 4, 2013

Mercy Ships, for Africa, Christians

   It's been a while since I saw this story, but since it was on again tonight I watched it. This show was a bit different, showing people with tumors that come from Dental disease and then are treated as if they were invaded by evil spirits, in Africa. The faces were covered, disfigured, and people barely able to breathe, but saved by Mercy ships.
    Mercy Ships are funded by Corporations, and Christians missions and the people who donate their time and talents? They pay to go. Imagine volunteering all of your medical knowledge and service and paying to go, to belong to this unique group of men and women?
   These are true Christians. We just don't hear enough about them. No matter where they are, they are there. but we hear more about crime and evil. I guess that makes for better news and captures out curiosity or nosiness.
    People now have vision and can breathe and are no longer disfigured thanks to Mercy Ships. A great thing.

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