Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sounds of Love

       Okay I'll put this out there right now. I am not talking about sex. Many confuse the two and yes, both are nice, but the sounds of love are immeasurable.
I'll start with a baby's first cry at birth. In that moment the parent or parents who already have a love for the not yet born child, now have a faster tempo to their heart beats. This is a child created with love and the proof of that love is the sound of his or her cry. That continues through the baby years, walking and falling. Mom  or dad catching him, picking him up and nuzzling him, telling their baby, aw, it's okay with little bitty kisses all over. Remember?
       It's reversed too as a mom or dad picks up their child just to hold them. That childs' little fingers crawl around mom's neck and they make some inaudible sound, the sound of love.
     Besides babies of course we have those sounds when we see a car we love...aah, a vacation, but better than that, a memory. Best of all to me are the unheard sounds. I know, an oxymoron. So? Did you ever watch an old couple. One pats the others hand. Words aren't needed. A kid in trouble looks at mom or dad and the look they get back is one of love, one of, don't worry, we love you and we can fix it, we're here with you and for you.
     Have you been to a hospital when someone is in a coma. The people that go in and out of that room are there for reasons including love. Some for friendship, some because they're just nosy, some to pray, and some to sit and read, out of love for another human being, plain and simple. A mom and dad, siblings sometimes just sit and wait, the biggest unheard sound of love I know. Next time you're out and about, look around you for the sounds of love unheard but felt very deeply.

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