Saturday, August 24, 2013

What Commodity is Love ?

       We've heard it said that certain things are a precious commodity. But the most of those would be love. I do feel love is a commodity, real, deep, true and loyal love is a precious commodity as is the love you have for your children, spouses, best friends, grandchildren and life long crushes.
       But love is also a dangerous commodity and that I heard from some movie. It took me a few hours to think that through, but I agree. Loving allows hurt, revenge, termination of affections, one-sided views, distortion and perceptions not meant and most of all, a cold departure, maybe never to be repaired. The longer that departure, distance, lack of communication goes on, it simply becomes a way of life and a way acceptable because of persuasion, because of jealousy and because of preference and pride.
       Preference? Definitely. Just look at photos and see who is in more photos, how holidays are shared and with whom, how much more time is spent with others and it just becomes easier and love becomes,  that dangerous commodity that now belongs no longer to you but to others. So you have lost. Do you try again? I don't know. How much can you emotionally afford to keep on losing?

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