You know you live in a Country run by idiots if...
You have to have your
parents signature to go on a school field trip but not to get an
Okay so most of us know this by now, but someone sent this to me with a buncj of other, You know you live in a country...etc etc etc. Some problems with getting those messages are the peopel who send them are so judgemental and we don't know how they live, what's in their closet. I just do think though that as people get older, they/we think we just better, more perfect, but all that we are is older and because of that, more experienced. I know many, well never mins, a few who do seem to be perfect people to me and I'm happy to know them and yet I doubt even in the positions in life they hold, they would not be this judgemental.
Just maybe the idiots are people who caim to be such perfect Christians, yet are haters, of the government and more. I know who sends this to me and I care about him deeply-but wow! He is two side of a dull coin.
Peace out-good will to all men and women.:)
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
He thinks we should, "JUST FORGET"
Everyone has an opinion about The tragedy of December 14th at Sandy Hook elementary school. A teen in my care said this morning as more news came on about this horrible day, "I think we should just forget it and they should stop talking about it." My reply was, we should never stop talking about it and what if that was your family? No answer right away. Then he said, what good does it do, and I explained what good we hope it does.
This is a kid who did not grow up with his own parents and does not have empathy for anyone except himself. There isn't any way to get him to understand or care and is this a concern for the future? Yes, but what can we do about it now. Educate, change laws, report and go back. Go back to a time when we had prayer in schools, and discipline was a matter of parental right, when mostly all of us went to church.
With all of the changes that have come about the last thirty or forty years, and kids having more rights and parents less, what has happened? As a nation of compassion, understanding, helping, we have also weakened. Look at the families who stop trying, children in special behavioral schools, special classes for those who don't behave. Has that all come to be since parents lost the right to parent? Has it happened because atheists have more rights than those who are not atheists?
I'm not suggesting to leave compassion, understanding and helping at your own front door, but we have to stop talking and start doing, start to make the changes. Maybe it can only start now with young parents. Take your kids to church, pray at meals, discipline, find positive activities, help those in need and teach your kids to help, not hurt. We all say, something has to be done, changes need to be made. When?
This is a kid who did not grow up with his own parents and does not have empathy for anyone except himself. There isn't any way to get him to understand or care and is this a concern for the future? Yes, but what can we do about it now. Educate, change laws, report and go back. Go back to a time when we had prayer in schools, and discipline was a matter of parental right, when mostly all of us went to church.
With all of the changes that have come about the last thirty or forty years, and kids having more rights and parents less, what has happened? As a nation of compassion, understanding, helping, we have also weakened. Look at the families who stop trying, children in special behavioral schools, special classes for those who don't behave. Has that all come to be since parents lost the right to parent? Has it happened because atheists have more rights than those who are not atheists?
I'm not suggesting to leave compassion, understanding and helping at your own front door, but we have to stop talking and start doing, start to make the changes. Maybe it can only start now with young parents. Take your kids to church, pray at meals, discipline, find positive activities, help those in need and teach your kids to help, not hurt. We all say, something has to be done, changes need to be made. When?
Dec. 14,
Sandy Hook
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Morgan Freeman, said it BEST
Morgan Freeman's brilliant take on what happened yesterday :
"You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why.
It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single *victim* of Columbine? Disturbed
people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.
CNN's article says that if the body count "holds up", this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer's face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer's identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don't sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.
You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem. You can help by turning off the news."
Morgan Freeman's brilliant take on what happened yesterday :
"You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why.
It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single *victim* of Columbine? Disturbed
people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.
CNN's article says that if the body count "holds up", this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer's face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer's identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don't sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.
You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem. You can help by turning off the news."
Dedicated to The Children and others who died:
Charlotte Bacon, 6.............................James Mattioll, 6
Daniel Barden, 7................................Grace McDonnell, 7
Oiliva ENgel, 6..................................Emilie Parker, 6
Josephine Gay, 7................................Jack Pinto, 6
Ana Marquez-Greene, 6.....................Noah Pozner, 6
Dylan Hockley, 6...............................Caroline Previdi, 6
Madeleine Hsu, 6...............................Jessica Rekos, 6
Catherine Hubbard, 6.........................Avielle Richman, 6
Chase Kowalski, 7.............................Benjamin Wheeler, 6
Jesse Lewis, 6....................................Allison Wyatt, 6
Friday, December 14, 2012
Shooter into School-kid asks, who's to BLAME?
Yes, I realize we don't know yet and so many are guessing but I bet many are thinking the same thing and many are still wondering;How did he get in if his mother wasn't there? How or why was this young man allowed into and elementary school? My guess? They knew him, plain and simple.
Most people are basically friendly, and I know at a local High School I go to many times because I have kids there that I meet with in some aspect or another, I am easily allowed in. If I say I have an appointment, I'm buzzed in and sometimes, I get buzzed in as soon as they see me over the screen. It isn't checked until I am in the outer office that I actually have an appointment.
So was this similar to today? Was this young guy let in because they knew him and thought he was just stopping by to visit.
The young boy I care for asked me tonight, so who do you think is to blame? for this happening. Blame is seen very different by people who accept blame and people who love to blame others-in my opinion. I let him know, my feeling was without knowing all the facts yet, maybe who ever didn't lock up guns and bullets separately and then hide the keys elsewhere. I just spoke with my son a few nights ago about guns, safety and a hunter who accidental killed his child forgetting he had a bullet left in the chamber. It was a long discussion. I think women hate guns more than men.
Anyway, this young boy in my home feels it was the fault of the school because they let him in. I then told him it is solely the fault for now of the shooter who also proved what a coward he is by taking his own life. Okay maybe it's going to come out he was mentally ill and maybe a doctor or shrink of some sort knew the possibility of today's action. Yet many times no matter who we are, we end up saying, if only I knew, If only I saw the signs. But we don't think to look for signs when we help people no matter what position we're in, every single time.
Who's to blame? Does it matter now? Yes, and right now is when people need to make different plans for allowing people into schools, sadly just as they do onto planes? Make a meeting room so that people can't get any further that a certain dividing space between classes and a reception area. No wonder more parents are home schooling children. It isn't only what kids see and do in school, it's who comes into their schools to do it to them.
Most people are basically friendly, and I know at a local High School I go to many times because I have kids there that I meet with in some aspect or another, I am easily allowed in. If I say I have an appointment, I'm buzzed in and sometimes, I get buzzed in as soon as they see me over the screen. It isn't checked until I am in the outer office that I actually have an appointment.
So was this similar to today? Was this young guy let in because they knew him and thought he was just stopping by to visit.
The young boy I care for asked me tonight, so who do you think is to blame? for this happening. Blame is seen very different by people who accept blame and people who love to blame others-in my opinion. I let him know, my feeling was without knowing all the facts yet, maybe who ever didn't lock up guns and bullets separately and then hide the keys elsewhere. I just spoke with my son a few nights ago about guns, safety and a hunter who accidental killed his child forgetting he had a bullet left in the chamber. It was a long discussion. I think women hate guns more than men.
Anyway, this young boy in my home feels it was the fault of the school because they let him in. I then told him it is solely the fault for now of the shooter who also proved what a coward he is by taking his own life. Okay maybe it's going to come out he was mentally ill and maybe a doctor or shrink of some sort knew the possibility of today's action. Yet many times no matter who we are, we end up saying, if only I knew, If only I saw the signs. But we don't think to look for signs when we help people no matter what position we're in, every single time.
Who's to blame? Does it matter now? Yes, and right now is when people need to make different plans for allowing people into schools, sadly just as they do onto planes? Make a meeting room so that people can't get any further that a certain dividing space between classes and a reception area. No wonder more parents are home schooling children. It isn't only what kids see and do in school, it's who comes into their schools to do it to them.
kids dying,
Newtown Ct.,
School shooting
Appliance Parts Replaced? GO HERE! GREAT PLACE!
Hey People! It's me again. I didn't believe it when I first found a part I was looking for, for my meat slicer. I first went to some dot com site and while they were out of the part I wanted they would get it, but get this, The part was 12.99 ad S&H was 8.99 BALONEY! Did ya hear me, I said BALONEY! This is the plastic cover guide/guard for slicing. THE answer is next :)
I called Lowes. I bought my slicer a year ago to bake chicken and roast beef and slice for sandwiches and salads. Somehow I threw away the much needed part. So I called Lowes today at their toll free number 866-802-6383 and asked about the part. You won't believe the difference. The nice woman on the other end who was in North Carolina sent the address/web site to me which is:
I was thrilled to see the price is 6.27 and S&H is only 3.81 ! Now this is a company to buy your parts from and thank you Lowes for being so helpful.
All I can say is, keep searching, honest companies are out there and there's more that one as I learned today.
I called Lowes. I bought my slicer a year ago to bake chicken and roast beef and slice for sandwiches and salads. Somehow I threw away the much needed part. So I called Lowes today at their toll free number 866-802-6383 and asked about the part. You won't believe the difference. The nice woman on the other end who was in North Carolina sent the address/web site to me which is:
I was thrilled to see the price is 6.27 and S&H is only 3.81 ! Now this is a company to buy your parts from and thank you Lowes for being so helpful.
All I can say is, keep searching, honest companies are out there and there's more that one as I learned today.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
SOY 30% prevents Breast cancer and not so good for...
There is good soy and soy which isn't so good. I am taking this from Dr. Oz guest. This woman ( a nutritionist ) is telling us SOY prevents Breast cancer by 30% but isn't good for thyroid disease, and a very important note is there are different kinds of SOY which help and or hinder your health. Many studies come from Japan.
More and more I am interested in living a healthier way of living. In an earlier segment I saw the liver of a dead person which had ballooned up due to fat, causing Sclerosis of the liver, and yet other person died due to blood clots in the lungs which came from the leg sue to high blood pressure.
Worst: energy bars, soy chips, check ingredients
Good: Tofu, edamane-
More and more I am interested in living a healthier way of living. In an earlier segment I saw the liver of a dead person which had ballooned up due to fat, causing Sclerosis of the liver, and yet other person died due to blood clots in the lungs which came from the leg sue to high blood pressure.
Worst: energy bars, soy chips, check ingredients
Good: Tofu, edamane-
Frozen Lemons kill Cancer cells
| ||
000 times more,
frozen lemmons,
frozen lemons,
kills cancer 10,
Kills cancer cells,
whole lemmon
An Open Letter to Kevin G. of Love & Friendship
Dear Kevin
First here is about one of the last pictures I had of your mom with Mike shoveling snow from her car.( Where were you?) :) We had such a ball when we were snowed in that winter at the Gregory hotel and ended up having supper at your moms'.She made roast beef which I think Mike ate the whole thing, mashed potatoes and gravy and vegetables and then had pie.
That was in 2009 I'm pretty sure. We had 22 inches in New York and they closed the turnpike. Snow was then as it was when your mom and I were kids. Maybe this is more about her, but for you. We were such good friends although it didn't start out that way. She was my sisters friend, same grade in school, yet it wasn't long before we found out how much more she and I were alike. We didn't belong to snob clubs :) Your mom and I were the tallest kids, almost in school and we had so much in common that we felt like twins at times. We loved waiting for one another to walk to school together and talk about crushes. Ask her about Mr. J. Navy man and teacher.
First here is about one of the last pictures I had of your mom with Mike shoveling snow from her car.( Where were you?) :) We had such a ball when we were snowed in that winter at the Gregory hotel and ended up having supper at your moms'.She made roast beef which I think Mike ate the whole thing, mashed potatoes and gravy and vegetables and then had pie.
I think what made us work as friends that we understood how things are, were and should be, then and now. We both babysat our siblings and that was a big deal. Not every eleven and twelve year olds are entrusted with such younger brothers or sisters for so much time. We both had strict parents but with different reasons. She and I used to walk up and down the street with the kids, or go see Mr. Korsun up the block. Mr. Korsun always gave my snotty little brother keys, and your moms sister, Judy was always well behaved, sweet and just a cute kid, as I remember. But we feel different with our own memories of things. Mr. Korsun was like a stoop sitting shrink, what guy he was. I knew I could always talk to him and he would help as he could.
The last time I saw him was a day I was leaving Brooklyn and just saw your mom. We had breakfast together. On that last time I saw him, your mom called the next day and let me now he passed away. We wonder why things happen so timely. I knew I wanted to see him again since it was so long since the last time.
But your mom and I would talk to him as if he was just an older and wiser kid. He was. Sometimes there an adult you just know you can tell anything to, well almost anything. To a kid though, as well meaning as some people are, it can be dangerous for the kid to tell that trusted adult. Anyway I met or re met your mom when I moved to 56th st. An apartment became available in a brownstone and as soon as I saw it I was in love all over again, besides Mr. Vitalo; ask your mom.
The brownstone became our stoop, Mostly mine and Sandy's. I had good landlords and so did she, mainly Mrs Millen and mine was very special too, although her first name escapes me. She and her husband always would sneak me a glass of wine, feeling and know my parents were way too strict with me. ( in a selfish way)
When I told your mom how my landlady stood up to my father, Madeline! That was her name, Madeline Magnotta, well your mom was as happy for me as I was for me. It didn't do any good except to infuriate my father, but inside of me, I felt hope rising. I knew some day I would be a little courageous like her. Boy it took a long, long time :)
Your mom and I would walk around the corner to get Pizza at Scottie's. Our little crushes there were, Louie and Scottie. I liked Louie. He had dark curly hair, and slow smile and just plain yummy. She like Scottie who had a lighter Sandy colored hair and he seemed to work more than Louie. Scottie only retired a few years ago while Louie died very young. Her men live longer-duh we know that don't we? :)
Then there was the donut shop around the other corner. On hot summer days, your mom and I would take the kids and get donuts and sodas. Judy loved the donut shop, and so did my brother although he always wanted more.
As grammar school graduation neared we knew we were going in different directions. Her parents wanted her to get an education. She went to Bay Ridge High and I went to Fort Hamilton when my parents wanted me out of school to continuing babysitting. So it was that which pretty much started a new life for us both. I stayed and babysat until leaving home at twenty-two, seeing your mom off and on and we'd still chat here and there, laugh and with me wishing I could go back to seventh and eighth grade.
Oh Kevin, one thing I left out. Mr. Korsun...One summer when your mom and I were up at his stoop and his daughter was out I was talking about Mr. Vitalo, my life long love & crush. Mr. Korsun asked where he lived and I told him Levittown. This great and wonderful man says to me, well why don't we take a ride and go see him. We don't have to barge in, just drive by and say hello. Can you imagine from Brooklyn to Long Island to say hello. I think that's where I got my feeling now of, hey I'm off to Brooklyn for some great pizza, BRB-and I do that too. Well a big worry was I knew my father would not let me go and said as much to Mr. Korsun.
Mr. Korsun said let me talk to him, I'll change his mind. He and I saw my father coming down the steps with trash and Mr. Korsun didn't wast any time. He said let's go kid and together we faced my father. WOW, if only Mr. Korsun was my father, Cigarette in hand he wore a Hawaiian looking green shirt, knee length green colored shorts, and I watched his mustache while he spoke. He reached his hand out first. CRAP, I knew my father was not about to shake hands, but he did.
In the next few minutes I listened as Mr. Korsun persuaded my father into "wanting me to go along" as any "dad" would. This was magic in the purest sense of the word. He cast a spell over my father. In my heart Mr. Korsun was now my dad. That's who a dad is ! Mr. Korsun told him about how long it would take, taking into consideration traffic and stopping for ice cream and of course no mention of Mr. Vitalo, that he was just going to show us some of Long Island, in a convertible and a look at the beaches. Also he reinforced that his daughter and your mom with her parents approval would go along as well, just a nice day out with the kids. Mr. Korsun drove a red and black Rambler convertible.
We all piled in with me and your mom in the back feeling all grown-up. I had Mr. Vitalo's address. That's what kids with crushes do. Well you wouldn't believe it. As we neared Levittown Mr. Korsun pulled over and gave us some prepared conversation about if we see Mr. Vitalo we just talk about being out on a hot summers day, checking out towns, beaches and more, a kind of get-a-way day.
It wasn't long before we pulled into Mr. Vitalo's suburban neighborhood, with what looked like had to be only rich people. Hey, what did I know, I was a kid. Then we came to his street and I watched the numbers go down until we reached 224 and as Mr. Korsun spoke the world around me went quiet. I vaguely heard Mr. Korsun say, well look who's outside watering their lawn. I think I saw him before anyone else did. If I could have fallen over I would have so it was good That I was already seated.
Still feeling some odd silence although my heart was banging like a baseball bat on a trash can, we finally stopped at the exact spot where Mr. Vitalo stood, holding a hose, looking down into a flower bed, wearing shorts, holy crap! Mr. Vitalo in shorts! He also wore a flowered shirt. There must be a reason. I thought God had to arrange this and given the plan to Mr. Korsun since both men looked to be wearing the same shirt.
Mr. Vitalo looked up as the car stopped at the curb. I watched his hand twist the nozzle off. I always watched his hands. Mr. Korsun smiled and said excuse us, as he stepped out of the convertible. He moved to where Mr. Vitalo stood , switched hands with his cigarette and reached out to introduce himself and say, I guess you know at least two of these young ladies, yup me and your mom. I was choking inside and became mush but suddenly found my lips. Uh Hi, Hi Mr. Vitalo. He smiled back, oh that smile. Your mom was squishing my shoulder telling me, Nance, look he's in shorts. Oh God don't ya think I know I whispered.
We all got out had small talk as arranged by Mr. Korsun, leader of the band, as Mr. Vitalo asked, "so what brings you to my door?" As he and Mr. Korsin spoke, I was sneaking looks at his eyes, glasses, the mole on his cheek, how his mouth moved, his hair and smile. I remember this trip so well as if it was the Ten Commandments ( sorry God) I wanted to cry with thankfulness to Mr. Korsun. I think he knew even then for me it was more than a crush. Mr. Vitalo was my childhood crush, love, example of what makes a man and much more, and Mr. Korsun was my value in all of that as if he knew and understood.
The visit lasted only about five minutes in Levittown, but lasted a lifetime in my heart, and I got to share that with your mom, Karen, Mr. Korsun's daughter and Mr. Korsun. I think somehow after that I knew Karen was the luckiest kid on the earth and for one day, I was second luckiest.
So Kev, the years after that flew by. We got on with lives, marrying and having children. We both had two, lived in Brooklyn at least for my first child, and yet she and I were no longer connected. Maybe marriages helped with that. But in between school and married life I knew we both went onto a different path.
Then I moved to Oregon, Washington and California. I finally returned in 1980 and when I saw my mother she told me she bumps into your mom every so often and one day we met on fifth ave. hugging, laughing and happy to see each other again. She gave me her address, the one on e. 29st. That was when I also had the pleasure of meeting your dad. He and I hit it off in an unusual. He wisecracked at me and I gave it right back. A sealed friendship for sure.
Since then your mom and I have visits as out time allows and my being able to come to NY now that I'm in PA. We still have hilarious times, and that's just talking. Imagine if it was more. But there was a night I asked her to take me to two places. I asked her to keep the engine running and no I didn't rob a store, but I did ring doorbells and run, and it was okay because it was just a couple of guys I knew. That's what makes life fun, harmless stuff. I got back in her Hyundai, we laughed ourselves silly and took off. Sadly I still run but the Hyundai doesn't. Hey maybe a new Hyundai out of this?
I've gotten to know and meet her two sons, your baby girl and what a wonderful dad you are, and we've shared time too. Your mom and I looked at you and my son on one visit in her kitchen and thought, here we are two ladies, once girls playing stick ball with now grown sons, who now each have a child. Who would have thought? Your mom and I plan some time next year to go back to 56th street again where our friendship started and walk down memory lane. Hey Kev, wanna take a walk?
When all is said and done, things go back to the kitchen or a diner, two other best places where friends meet, tell secrets, whisper as if they have a secret, pout hearts out, confide and trust and laugh the hardest. We always laugh together. Your mom and I have so many memories of those two places, and I'm sure like many, that's what we not only look back on, but look ahead to. Kev, I'm looking ahead to seeing you in March with your mom. I have something to celebrate and you have to be part of it. I love ya Kev, see you in March-in Brooklyn!
Love you like another son, Nancy
Bay Ridge,
Karen' friendship,
Mr. Korusn. Mr. Vitalo,
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Are You Only the Worth of a Dollar
Are you only the worth of a Dollar?
What have we become when people
only see you as far as a dollars worth of…anything? As we near Christmas and any celebration for
that matter, look at what people are asking you for. Do they think for some ungodly
reason they deserve it, that you just say screw everything and everyone just
for them? Yes. Many do, and worse than that they think they’re right. You can
lose the shoes on your feet as long as they get what they want.
Before it too late and it isn’t no matter what ages we’re talking about,
people have to accept who and where you are in life as well as your values. If
they don’t, you don’t need their pressure and their values invading into your
Recently I spoke to someone about consequences and children’s rights. I
do believe kids need some rights, enough to know they will and should be
protected if abused, going hungry or without heat, that they need to tell
someone without repercussion. But things have gone too far. Look at our schools.
We have special school for kids with bad behaviors, and that cost your tax
dollars. We have special classes and school psychologists, more money. But
where does this behavior come from? Not always mom and dad. There are
variations between what they see on television, hear adults talk about and
sometimes just feel they have a right to do and say what they want. Who are the
role models? How effective are they?
start at the bottom which would be the cradle.
Good example: Baby is nurtured
with a plan that both parents agree on, concerning everything from food to
clothes to manners, respect, education and religion. Moms and dads don’t ask,
well honey do you want the pink dress or the blue one? The child is a child. At
five years old, you buy; she wears up until an appropriate age. Teenagers are
not allowed to dress in all black, pierce everything, and have a belly or nose
ring. Mom and dad don’t smoke, eat well
within reason. Supper time comes and now the child is eight. Mom or dad puts
out a reasonable portion of spinach that she has been getting since she was
able to digest it. Child tells her parents thank you and eats it along with a
small baked potato and piece of chicken. No problem unless the child is full.
Yes, she still gets dessert, and left over’s for lunch or supper the next
night. Bedtime is routine. Shower, brush your teeth, get a book if she would
like and parents approve as well as she wears pajamas to bed. No shorts and
sloppy tee shirt Bedtime is seven every night, no exception, and lights out at
eight; done.
Poor example:
Baby is nurtured, bottle fed or breast, either way apparent chooses.
Parents don’t talk about a plan but leave it up to whoever thought the other
one was going to take care of things. Shopping is, but honey I thought you
wanted the pink one? Child throws a tantrum and mom or dad allows her to get
whatever she chooses so as not to embarrass their lack of parenting skills. At
eight she is now allowed to have her ears pierced, four times on each side. At
thirteen she is wearing a belly and nose ring. Supper is whoever gets something
from the freezer. Shower if she wants to, brushes her teeth to now cover up the
pot odor along with going to bed at eleven at night in her cut off shorts and
smelly sweatshirt in her bed that hasn’t been changed in three weeks. Now
fourteen a guy is beeping outside and good old mom and dad say, honey you
better hurry, Rick is waiting, who by the way is nineteen. Almost fifteen she
comes in one night crying thinking mom and dad know what to do now that she is
pregnant; done.
So does your child think your worth as a
parent, friend, supporter is all about money? The second child in this would.
Tonight I met a woman who is raising her grandson, who she stated with pride.
He is such a good boy and a nice person, no thanks to his mom who is her
daughter and the dad either-in a way. Dad does try, but doesn’t know how to
parent. Dad sees his son on weekends and buys him things and does not
discipline at all. The Grandparents do that.
Take the dollar signs away to get to really
know your child. I’m not talking about need. I’m talking about want. Our kids
do need us financially from time to time, but that’s need, not greed. Don’t get
the two mixed up, because they won’t. It’s up to us.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Reverend Joe and The Road Crew
Read about Marty's gut wrenching pain in this first book,( Grab a tissue) and how secrets of some of the road crew catch up to them one by one as told to the boss, Big Mike. Is Reverend Joe's secret worse than the others? Put an Irish accent in as you read the grave digger's story as he tells what happened to his mother when the mob was going to tear her home down and how he solved taking care of his dear old mum. There's fun, tears, friendship like no other, murder, connections never broken, love and the possibility of a future love.
That's in book two due out in March.
An unexpected love which brings out the pain of the past and hope and love for the future when one of the crew thinks he sees someone from a long time ago while working on the new site downtown Manhattan. The road crew battle a well known builder, who has more money than even he knows about and whose son disappeared four years earlier. What does the the Road Crew find when digging up old concrete, or who?
Sunday, December 2, 2012
The Deanna Protocol and ALS Contact Info.
Recently I wrote about AKG, a whey Protein which assists in building or rebuilding muscle for those who have ALS. I saw an interview on the Seven Hundred club with Dr. Vincent Tedone and his daughter who he named It after, calling it ( the treatment) The Deanna Protocol.
I received a comment about this and that made me look a little more into it as time allows this morning. I went on line and simply put in "The Deanna Protocol". The first one that came up was a blog connected with
Deanna's father's name and contact information was there as well as a story about someone else with ALS who started on The Deanna Protocol much earlier Than Deanna and he too is doing very well. Deanna is driving and more according to the article, one worth reading.
Dr. Vincent Tedones contact address is:
Please, please, write to him.
Don't let this information go to waste and look it up for yourself. Check out the comment section on one of my last few blogs with other contact info as well. Another piece of this is using coconut oil as part of a massage that it gets into the skin and is helpful in other ways. Read as much about this as you can, learn and feel better.
I received a comment about this and that made me look a little more into it as time allows this morning. I went on line and simply put in "The Deanna Protocol". The first one that came up was a blog connected with
Deanna's father's name and contact information was there as well as a story about someone else with ALS who started on The Deanna Protocol much earlier Than Deanna and he too is doing very well. Deanna is driving and more according to the article, one worth reading.
Dr. Vincent Tedones contact address is:
Please, please, write to him.
Don't let this information go to waste and look it up for yourself. Check out the comment section on one of my last few blogs with other contact info as well. Another piece of this is using coconut oil as part of a massage that it gets into the skin and is helpful in other ways. Read as much about this as you can, learn and feel better.
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