Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Rev. Joe and The Road Crew- MTA- Donations

      This book was recently finished and two dollars from each sale goes to AML Leukemia and St. Judes children research hospital. It takes place in Brooklyn, Long ISland and some in Staten ISland. Some parts are fiction mixed with non-fiction. Aunt Sandy is a riot here as she tells it like it is and one of the Crew  is a guy named Kevin, after her late son who died from AML. I think he just turned 40 when he passed away. Sandy husband, Kevins dad died two days before Kevin. That part is true.
      I took this book to the MTA in Staten Island this past Monday the 22nd of August 2016. Sandy and I were told the union rep would come down to see us. Not only did he not come down, but neither did the guy who told us that. We were completely dismissed/ignored by the MTA in Staten Island on Castleton ave.
   Not looking t make a million, just some to give to AML- This type of Leukemia affects more people in Kevins age group more than any other group, so did the MTA forget what RESPECT means? Kevins mom has not even had a chance to properly grieve as she lost everything when she lost her husband and son. She lost her home, her car and became homeless, now living in an awful situation whee she does at least have a jail cell size room. This is a lady past 70 years old.
    Please buy one book or two. You can purchase it through paypal. Simply go to PAYPAL, look up my PAYPAL name, Doozybags and pay 13.99 plus 1.25 s&h Your address comes through and I will mail it out within three days.

Thank You
Nancy Costa

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

MTA Disses late Drivers Mom Staten ISland NY


 Please bear with me. I am a friend of the family for many years. The late Kevin Griffin an MTA bus driver in Staten Island who died three years ago of AML Leukemia left behind a grieving mother, a young daughter and many MTA friends, or so it was thought. Kevin's mom Sandy told me which office he worked out of and so we took a little ride while I was back In NY visiting.
        I wrote  a book donating two dollars from each sale to AML and St. Judes children's hospital. More people Kevin's age die from this. i'm not looking for fortune or have my name plastered as a writer. I enjoy writing and mainly to make people happy. This book had a purpose and that purpose gave hope to mom to finally start the grieving process.
             You see, her husband was killed two days before her son died. He was in  a hurry, ran across the street,  and thrown by a jeep who only had liability insurance.
      Sandy and I decided to go to the MTA and as we were closer to teh office she started to cry and talk, and talk. Sandy never fully grieved in three years. She lost her residence, her car and was homeless due to losing both her husband and son. Money was mismanaged by people she thought were helping. Yeah, helping themselves. Because they ere close to her, she couldn't bring herself to do anything. Still lost in the process of going back to work, paying bills, losing so much time from work she found herself without a place to live and was evicted. Everything, or almost everything is still in storage. Her now living situation is with an ex, his wife, her sister and now another son who I won't talk about.
     So when I go back to where I grew up Brooklyn, Sandy is the first person I see. She tells me she feels old, worn and useless, not cared about or cared for. Her mom lives in Brooklyn but in a senior home. Sandy feels to remain until her moms passing so she can keep an eye on mom. yet she also doesn't have any resources to move.
     Giving her hope, I let her know about the BOOK, Rev. Joe and the Construction Crew. sandy is in it, plays a big funny part through out and so is her son Kevin. They don'y play mom and son.
    Now we arrive at the MTA office/terminal on Castleton ave. in Staten Island yesterday Monday August22 nd, 2016  . There were four men outside and I said they with little respect at this time. One tall man who is bald asked what we needed if we had a complaint and when sandy and I tried to explain, he turned his back and started talking to another guy and at the same time, another man asked what we wanted. and both Sandy and I explain and about the donations from the book. He said, oh okay, you need the union rep. He's upstairs, I'll get him to come down.   This man said he knew Kevin Griffin.
                                          No one ever came down ! We arrived during the lunch hour which we hoped someone would take ten minutes and just listen, just listen and respond. Well we got a response alright. It was to ignore us!  twenty-two minutes later another driver walks up the ramp, asks if we need help. I explained we've been ignored and were told the union rep would be down. He said I'll get him to see you. Again, The same thing. What kind of men are these that not one would at the very least let us know the following: Sorry ladies, we're not interested, sorry ladies, he doesn't have time, sorry ladies, can you come back some other time, sorry ladies...something, but all we did get was a closed door.
    The book is 13.99 and I have 46 to sell. I can order more If anyone decides you would like one or two, just pay at pay pal to doozybags. Thats my pay pal name and I make bags, write on my blog and am an honest person trying to just do a little bit of good and would never, ever do what the MTA IN STATEN ISLAND at the CASTLETON office did to us-ignore.
    Some of these same men were flirty to other female drivers but they couldn't take five minutes out of flirting to just say, we're not interested. Sandy was hoping to see and take a picture of her late son's photo which was hung in the upstairs office. But she was ignored. Her son Kevin went in so many days when he was sick, dying because he didn't want to leave anyone down. Yesterday they let him and his mom down. Men?

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Selling Your Home, Wills & Family

       Just when you think you're all set, life throws you a curve ball. If you're married things are different. Owning a home and one spouse dies, usually you don't have anything to worry about-usually. Make out a will. I did-unknowingly. I didn't know what was to come that would make me want to change my will and sell my home. There was a time when one of my kids said, mom, we can work anything out" talking about who would get what. Well those were empty words as I came to find out and from the person who made that statement. It's heartbreaking and I only decided to sell my home to insure that no one can contest anything in the end.
     Without getting into details, I know that there isn't anyway I'd want my kids to come together at my funeral with the animosity one feels without just cause except what's in their thoughts. So the best way to deal with  my old will is to make a will that expresses things in a no nonsense way. Now I'll get to enjoy all of the benefits of selling my home instead of doing what I wanted which was, to leave it to be divided between my kids. It isn't a lot but enough for either one to possible start  a business, buy a new car, pay bills etc.
       As every day passes I'm getting used to the idea of letting go and starting another piece of life, apartment living. It's a very nice apartment complex, with a pool, gym and community gatherings.I'm very anxious for the pool and gym and maybe even getting to know neighbors, still not sure about that. The best part is I'l be closer to one of my children and close enough to drive to see my other child and grandchildren-if invited.
       Taking chances is fine as long as you have a back-up plan with back-up money and this home has given me that. I am looking ahead.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Auto Insurance, Scare Tactics for Older People

        How do I know? I'm older. Anytime I call my insurance company to cancel full coverage, I get a reply like this: are you really sure? Remember if you have an accident you don't want someone coming after your home if you only carry liability. The rate of older people having accidents compared to  everyone else, people on cell phone, drunks, text messaging, other distractions is very low..
       Check the Kelly Blue book value, look at your policy and see how much comp and collision costs. Is it really worth it if your car is older than ten years? Not in my opinion. You pay a lot for comp and collision an d then you have a deductible which will probably pay for a broken window and if not your fault the other drives insurance pays eve if they have only liability. If your fault, so what, do not fix dents in an old car. It will cost the same as your car is worth. Value folks. Put that extra money in your pocket.
    People love scare tactics with older people. Some say why sell your house now? Why not. You use that money from the sale and enjoy it. Heck, buy a new car :)  Visit old friends, travel a little, and eat out more. Why leave your house to others so they get to enjoy what you worked hard to keep ? You got your own, let them get their own. Time for a change. So now you think, but whee would I live?
     I've always thought about moving to Montana, but I have kids who live in the south and mid-west, so I can visit Montana, rent a small apartment and enjoy the amenities. I know, I know, pay rent-again? Why not? If ya die without a will the government will get most of your house. If you get so sick, the government goes back five years into your finances to see if you had a home and what happened to the money. Take, Take, Take. You take it. Have fun everyone and check out more than one insurance company.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Ross Stanard The Guy to Call

       I met Ross Stanard some years ago concerning Real Estate business. He made such an impression as an honest and caring young man who I knew when the time was right, he was who I would want to do business with. If you're thinking of buying or selling your home, family home, or helping an elderly parent sell their home, he really is the man to call.
      He doesn't come in to your home to tear it down or act fake in what needs to be done or not. He will tell you if fixing things will help-or not ! Ross is not a pushy or aggressive kind of realtor so you won't feel pressured. I'm sure he wants to help sell your home or help you buy a home, but number one is, he will do right by you each and every time. He's not a puffed up kind of a guy, but a family man, down to earth and appears to understand situations.
     Ross treats people the same and he is a man with character and integrity, so in closing call him if you have any real estate needs. He's easy to find on line so look him up, give him a call. You won't be sorry. Okay, gotta say one more thing. He doesn't make things complicated but tries to help people understand how things work. By the way, I don't have any monetary interest in this, but my interest is in passing along a good persons name.