Monday, August 8, 2016

Auto Insurance, Scare Tactics for Older People

        How do I know? I'm older. Anytime I call my insurance company to cancel full coverage, I get a reply like this: are you really sure? Remember if you have an accident you don't want someone coming after your home if you only carry liability. The rate of older people having accidents compared to  everyone else, people on cell phone, drunks, text messaging, other distractions is very low..
       Check the Kelly Blue book value, look at your policy and see how much comp and collision costs. Is it really worth it if your car is older than ten years? Not in my opinion. You pay a lot for comp and collision an d then you have a deductible which will probably pay for a broken window and if not your fault the other drives insurance pays eve if they have only liability. If your fault, so what, do not fix dents in an old car. It will cost the same as your car is worth. Value folks. Put that extra money in your pocket.
    People love scare tactics with older people. Some say why sell your house now? Why not. You use that money from the sale and enjoy it. Heck, buy a new car :)  Visit old friends, travel a little, and eat out more. Why leave your house to others so they get to enjoy what you worked hard to keep ? You got your own, let them get their own. Time for a change. So now you think, but whee would I live?
     I've always thought about moving to Montana, but I have kids who live in the south and mid-west, so I can visit Montana, rent a small apartment and enjoy the amenities. I know, I know, pay rent-again? Why not? If ya die without a will the government will get most of your house. If you get so sick, the government goes back five years into your finances to see if you had a home and what happened to the money. Take, Take, Take. You take it. Have fun everyone and check out more than one insurance company.

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