Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Rev. Joe and The Road Crew- MTA- Donations

      This book was recently finished and two dollars from each sale goes to AML Leukemia and St. Judes children research hospital. It takes place in Brooklyn, Long ISland and some in Staten ISland. Some parts are fiction mixed with non-fiction. Aunt Sandy is a riot here as she tells it like it is and one of the Crew  is a guy named Kevin, after her late son who died from AML. I think he just turned 40 when he passed away. Sandy husband, Kevins dad died two days before Kevin. That part is true.
      I took this book to the MTA in Staten Island this past Monday the 22nd of August 2016. Sandy and I were told the union rep would come down to see us. Not only did he not come down, but neither did the guy who told us that. We were completely dismissed/ignored by the MTA in Staten Island on Castleton ave.
   Not looking t make a million, just some to give to AML- This type of Leukemia affects more people in Kevins age group more than any other group, so did the MTA forget what RESPECT means? Kevins mom has not even had a chance to properly grieve as she lost everything when she lost her husband and son. She lost her home, her car and became homeless, now living in an awful situation whee she does at least have a jail cell size room. This is a lady past 70 years old.
    Please buy one book or two. You can purchase it through paypal. Simply go to PAYPAL, look up my PAYPAL name, Doozybags and pay 13.99 plus 1.25 s&h Your address comes through and I will mail it out within three days.

Thank You
Nancy Costa

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