Friday, September 9, 2016

ARTBA Vs. MTA Treatment of Consumers

         About a month ago my friend and I who are both retired went to the Castleton bus terminal union office in Staten Island. Prior to my friends sons' death at the age of forty, this was the office/terminal he worked out of. Due to the death of her son and husband two days before her son died, her world spiraled out of financial control . She had not even had a chance to grieve.
    This trip to Staten Island from Brooklyn was to start that process almost three years later. I wrote a book which from the sales am donating two dollars to St. Judes and AML Leukemia which is what her son died from..
          We arrived during the midst of lunch time feeling we would catch someone to speak with. Her sons' picture is supposed to be in a hall on the second floor and she also wanted to see it. Here we stood in the hot August sun waiting, and waiting. At teh start there were three men standing outside smoking. The taller of the drivers' asked if he could help us. As I started to talk he suddenly turned his back and spoke to another guy. A second driver then asked what we wanted or needed. My friend Sandy explained as did I, mentioned her son Kevin griffin and this driver said he remembered him. He went on and said I'll get the union rep.
       Not only did the union Rep not show, but neither did the driver who said he'd get the rep, not even a decent courteous response to say, we're not interested, or he doesn't have time-or even a lie, like he isn't here !
        But we continued to wait and I look over and see a few tears from Sandy as she's tell me, I used to drop him off every day, even when he was so sick.  Now this is how we're treated! After twenty-two minutes a driver with black hair, a goatee stopped and in a kind manner asked if we needed help. Again we explained. Again we were told, I'll get him down.  AGAIN, NOT ONE  RESPONSE! Where is the decency ? This wasn't just about selling a book. This was a human kindness for a woman who lost her son and wanted a little bit of time. She also wanted the book to sell so in Kevin Griffins memory, donations would be made. Just in case you think that I would take this on any taxes-I don't as the donations don't come from me, they come from people who buy the book.

     Sandy and I drove home in her quiet rusty old car. Over and over she said, I can't believe this, I can't believe how they treated us, me! ( Meaning Sandy )  I felt helpless as a friend watching as she held the book close and tears slipping past her face when we stood on the ramp to the Bus terminal/ union office.
    Well after I returned home with Sandy to a home she was invited to live in after all of her losses, I left to come back to my home in Pennsylvania. See, sandy and I grew up in Brooklyn together which is why and how so much in the book has connections to Brooklyn, the people, men and women who work on ROAD CREWS and the human side of them.
      Recently I contacted ARTBA- and you won't believe this. They returned my e mails with a wonderful response. Kevin Griffn would be so proud of this group as a driver who drove so ften over roads that were built and repaired which is what ARTBA is all about. ARBTA acn teach a lesson in decency & respect to the MTA on Castleton in Staten Island NY. Thank you ARTBA Should anyone want to purchase a book, please send 13.99 to me at Doozybags through PAy PAl plus 1.25 for S&H

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