Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lost and Found Family

       I just watched this movie with a kid, and he was impressed, loved the story and loved the acting. I wondered if he would sit through it, so I bribed him a little with ice cream. Well I didn't really bribe him, just gave it to him hoping he'd want to sit, watch and enjoy-he did.
     Now I didn't want to buy ice cream today, knowing me and how I usually just shovel it in late at night, but decided I will just have a small cup mid-day, want to stick to my Fire-Engine 2 plan.
      Lost and Found Family is a wonderful movie for any family to enjoy and appreciate. I appreciated an older woman and an older guy, a judge yet, falling in love-lol. Please take a few minutes and answer with some comment the blog below. This is to help and have a goal unusual, of what we normally ask of kids. If he sees a few positive comments it will enforce his positive attitude. Thanks, Life is short, Be Happy.

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