Saturday, June 2, 2012

Wisdom, Favor and Anointing, Three Blessings

       Today I received The three Blessings CD from the 700 club. Pat Robertson starts his lesson by saying something like this-if you were to ask God for three life- long things what would you ask? So he came up with those three, wisdom, favor and anointing. I would ask for health, health for my children and their children. For me that equals three blessings.
     Of course if I were a lot younger I'd ask for a good job, a great car/truck and money in the bank. Once you really sit, listen and take it in, The Three Blessings equal all of what I'd ask for and more, young or old. Speaking of blessings,
     today I visited a nice friend and his wife. The guy has twenty percent lung capacity. We joke  around about things and he mentions that maybe he'll need a sweater soon and I want to jump in his pool. So I joke with him, I can be your sweater. I'll wrap myself around you and keep you warm.
        His answer left me speechless and thoughtful. Nance he said, soon I won't have anything left to wrap yourself around. Usually I can joke myself out of anything, no matter how deep, but not this. In a few minutes he looks at me and tells me to, go ahead and jump in the pool if you want. I really did want to, but was without towels and a change of clothes to ride home in.

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