Friday, June 8, 2012

support local businesses, Crafters, farmers, seamstress etc.

   Hey People, Okay, I can write today but the previous post was copied and pasted from an article not written by me. Anyway please check out your local newspapers and look for who you need to perform repairs, instaed of that loacl building supply store. Go to churches and see who can use help if you have it to offer or receive if they have someone to help you. KEEP it in your community!
   Check out local seamstresses to see if you can get baby clothes and reuseable diapers made-yes reuseable which look like pants, so cute.
    Small town garages instead of corportate garages. They are there, ask around. Look on line for those things you need and barter, check out AMerican made items, instaed of buying all those brand names which are not made in the USA!  GO ALL AMERICAN-includng restaurants-don't eat at those chains! and remember BRUCE... I was born in the USA!!!  so shop USA

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