Friday, June 22, 2012

Sanduskly Guilty!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

       It was an expected verdict, yet we have seen people get off and know many innocent are in jail, so we wait and finally it came. As Sandusky's attorney thought he never had enough time to truly prepare, how much time did those kids get and how much time do they still serve in trying to heal?
     That attorney general Kelly someone...she just had too much video time. Most of what she said people know, but people don't do and I'm not going over it all again. The best person of all in the prosecution was a man of fewer but more powerful words, words that painted a picture, a Mr. McGettin, if I have his name right, if not it is similar. The best people of all are the kids who are now young men.
     The media, local here in Pa. kept calling Sandusky by Mr. Specifically Kim Lemon-is she nuts? He isn't deserving of a MR. title. What he is deserving of is everything he receives while in jail. His wife is another case. Personally I believe she knew, maybe not about every child, but she knew. Maybe her daughters didn't know as he preferred boys, and look at the shame they will now carry. The man they called father is a child molester, a pervert, a sexual deviant, a predator who will be on Megan's law, if he lives that long. But she knew-his wife knew. I believe that to be true. How many men bring small children to a basement and a wife never goes to say hi, bring food, ask them if they want to call home or even come upstairs and eat, play with their own young children.
    Why would a women not be suspicious of her husband who brings home little boys? She knew. My hope is the children who were/are the victims sue the Sandusky family as in him and her.
   By the way, if his daughters believe his innocence, have them now put their little boys in the hands of  a male coach who also wants to bring them home and into his basement-alone. Maybe the way they lived from his money made it easier to turn their backs on other children. Was it worth it? Ask the victims. Sleep well Sandusky-behind bars.

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