Thursday, May 24, 2012

Every Day Memorial Day

       Just a small article about Memorial Day. It's too bad we dont think about this every day. Look at the freedoms we have that men and women have given us in their service to our country.
      -You have a right to be an athiest
      - a right to come to this country and stay, legal or not, but the right to fight for the right.
      -rights to jobs of most kinds
      -The right to vote-use it!
      -rights to speak against politicians
      - the right not to be discrimminated against
      -the right to become anything you want if you work and earn it
      -You can become president of the United States
      - as such you can cheat and get away with it in the white house
      -you have rights to be heard in cases of unfair firing
      - You have the right to be a crook, have  afree lawyer, get jail time and in jail receive a college degree, medical attention and work out in the states gym membership program. YOU can even earn money while serving time for your crime-what a wonderful system.
     - YOU worthless parents don't have rights to neglect and abuse your children, but have rights terminated and get away scott free to never pay a dime support again and allow the state to pay for your child's care.
      -The list is endless, but most of all, YOU get the right to still belong to the greatest country in the world. BE thankful YOU live in the US.

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