Sunday, May 27, 2012

Rogue Farm CSA-Dallastwown Pa.

     Hey People, this pays if you live near by. All organic. The prices scare me, yet, the alternatives are worse. Basics are Health vs. Hospitals. Buy a share 145. for the seasons, summer until about October-a full share for two adults and two children is 495. They also ask for volunteer hours. This isn't new and has benefited many in Europe where it first started.  Hey WWJD? Share in the good.
     Starting here new plantings June 15th after the ground is tilled. Will have for sale by a young guy, Watermelons, Cantaloupes, other veggies, Pumpkins when the time comes and more. Also giving away to some very nice people known over the years. Pressed and and shaken, not stirred-lol-what's wrong with a little humor?
Happy Sunday

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