Sunday, May 27, 2012

Change school hrs. improve wellness,happiness&grades Proof

        Reading Nurture Shock, Page 36. Talking about the differences in adults and teens, melatonin, when it kicks in and how long it lasts. In Edina Minnesota, proof was obvious as explained that teens if sent to bed at ten, the melatonin didn't kick in until ninety minutes later, so they wake up tired, go to school tired and perform as tired.
       So what did they do? They changed school hours, from 7:25 to 8:30. Tests scores went up, performance over all improved and the kids were happier and more alert. Kids get less sleep while in High School.
       Then in Lexington Kentucky, the same thing happened, not only that, BUT car accidents went down 25% compared to the rest of the state.
   Can you imagine how much happier people would be if their melatonin was on the hormonal clock instead of the alarm clock? School districts would have more time to clear snow roads, and it would be all around safer for people driving to work. Time for changes . Just thoughts.

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