Thursday, April 12, 2012

ATM's , Asthma, and more...

      Today started off almost as usual. Hand pain through the night, and hand splints seem not to help much anymore. Either way I think I have to try harder and longer and do more to help self;  don't we all?
      So before I left I went on -line and checked my back account, then went to the local convenience store. Right away went to a mac machine aka ATM, not one of the branch machines but still okay. I tried once and then again. Yet I also knew my hands were hurting and maybe I did something wrong. So I went to the store clerk, explained it all and we went to the machine and it gave me my balance and then some money once I checked the amount.
        But I never check my balance at the machines so I must have hit that button accidentally and what I saw surprised me. It showed a shortage, an amount that shouldn't have been. I decided to take care of it at home. I went to the clerk to pay for something prior to, in between at the machine to make sure my card was working)yes I left that part out) It was working. So here I was back with the same clerk, not the one who went to the machine with me. She attributed it to the fact that my hands were not working as well and I thought that could be possible. Anyway, this other clerk. Well I was concerned as she didn't look quite herself. Her face and neck was very red, almost like heatstroke. I asked her if she was okay. She said well kind of. It's so hot in here and I have Asthma. WOW!
         That really put things into perspective. She described it as someone putting a plastic bag over your head and trying to breathe. I really can't imagine what's that's like and no, I'm not putting a bag over my head no matter how many may ask:) But it comes back to that knowing, just when you think you have it tough.... Oh the bank machine? I went home, got on-line and checked my balance and it showed a shortage. I called the bank, spoke to someone who said, and pay attention please-she said, when this happens the machine catches it at some point and will correct itself, but it can take some time. I appreciated that answer and now will just wait. All in All, it was a good day to remind me...
Just when I think things are tough...

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