Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Foot Callouses? answer...liquorish sticks & vaseline paste

      Yes another miracle suggestion on Dr. Oz. I rarely watch him anymore but today I made a schedule to get some things done, still not done but after this blog, I will finish a few things. This guest doctor said if you have had callouses for long time as an audience guest did, then you have to take another look at the kind of shoes you wear. She said make a paste out of sesame oil and 4 sticks of liquorish, not the candy but you'd have to get them at a health food store. She also said you can also use Vaseline instead of sesame oil. I know how much sesame oil costs, and Vaseline is much cheaper.
       Now, let's go back to shoes. Check out women's shoes compared to men' shoes. The soles are paper thin, and guess who makes most women's shoes? Men of course. The heels are usually hollow, so ladies take heed, or take heel. But better shoes with a better foundation. You'll save your feet , time and money in the long run.

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