Friday, April 13, 2012

That Tattoo Kid HYS 1368

      As I was leaving a store this morning and ready to switch hands to open the door, a kid was coming in at the same time. He steppd back and held the door for me. Right away I noticed his tattoos, his hair and his smile. I looked him in the eye and said thank you as I did very much appreciate it. He had a big tattoo running down his left arm and more on his right arm. He had very short hair, blond in color and a wonderful small smile. 
     The numbers and letters in the title are close to his license plate. When a kid does something like that, when he could have easily just walked in and let me hold the door, he should be noticed. He stood out to me today. He drove a small black four door vehicle and got off at the Delco plaza exit. How many of us think tattoos mean a certain kind of personality? Well not for me and not today. That gesture made me feel good all the way home and now again as I write this.
      Before I left the store, I noticed a girl and boy, not a man and woman although they may think so, standing in line with pajama bottoms on and a tank top, and the boy with a tee shirt. The girl had the boys name on her neck, high up so everyone could see it. Isn't that wonderful, now everyone knows she loves Eddie. I really wanted to tap her on the shoulder and tell her that too many Eddie's are, well.... just try to get that tattoo off. Isn't love great?

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